Monday, July 1, 2019

Bermuda Triangle

We've had this game ever since I was a lot younger, and today we pulled it out from the stack of board game to give it a try - and reminisce a little too!  It's just as fun as I remembered it.  Madison really enjoyed it too - we played about three times in a row, in fact.  She won the first game super fast, as the menacing dark cloud in the middle ate up all my ships rather quickly, as if it was a guided missile only attracted to my ships!  But then the second match was more even, with me getting more oil, bananas, sugar and lumber from the different ports.  The last match was also a nail-biter, with Madison puling ahead at the last minute, thanks to a risky maneuver to the south, just barely avoiding the dark cloud of doom.  If you've ever played this game before, you know how it works - a dark cloud gets to take a turn as well, spinning a spinner to determine how it turns, and how far it moves in one direction or another.  The bottom of this cloud has magnets, as do the players' ships.  You don't want that cloud to be moving over your game pieces, or you'll lose them!

We had a great day today, an active one for sure.  We were outside playing tennis for a bit, although the temperatures were starting to soar already.  Still, it was good to get out there and hit the ball back and forth.  Court is in session!

Afterwards, we went right next door to the pool to cool off.  It's always a good option after tennis!  We were swimming, splashing, and cooling off there for a while too.  Fortunately, we didn't have to worry about any dark looming clouds, and none of them had large magnets underneath either.

There was also taekwondo tonight.  Madison is working on a few different things there, including the use of nunchucks.  She's been doing that more frequently the last few weeks, something Daddy loves to see.  It's a lot of fun to see Madison swinging around nunchucks, doing roundhouse kicks and so forth.  She loves it too.  She's really dedicated, and carefully plotting out to make sure she can have her hours and time to earn her next belt.  That's coming up in another month, the testing for it.

Anyway, we had an active day today, and it was great fun.  We'll be busy again tomorrow with work-related agendas.  But today was a great chance to stop all that for just a little bit, and have some fun together.

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