Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Junior Worker

We had KidPak as always tonight, but the new thing tonight was this:  Madison is now a junior worker.  She's not a student at KidPak, but instead, a junior worker.  She was very nervous about this at first, and in fact told us that she had "a nervous breakdown" beforehand, just a bit scared.  But her friends were there too, and despite her fears she bravely plunged forward into service and did a great job.  She escorted one kid to the bathroom and put on her black volunteer vest, ready to help out wherever necessary.  She also still gets to sit in on service, hearing the message and enjoying all that's going on, so it's not like we're ripping her away immediately.

As for the service itself, it went well.  Our Spartanburg crew was here leading worship and bringing the message, and we were there to host the race segment with Josh (above), Calvin and myself.  It was a good night!

This is one of those commercials that we saw online that had us cracking up throughout the day.  It is an old advertisement for a double feature with the first two movies.  There's this test sequence, where a colander goes on Mrs. Potato Head, and though she's calm to begin with, she starts getting more excited, screaming, "I think it's working!!!!"

Several of the guys here at KidPak are strangely big fans of Mrs. Potato Head.  I think it's the voice.

After we got home tonight, we were reading again tonight, and Mara Jade's past history is coming to light a bit more, and this story is moving along quickly.  The girls are enjoying this one a lot more than the other Star Wars book we just read.  This one is much longer though.  But everyone is enjoying it, following along with the story well.

It was a good day today for all of us.  Daddy wrote another Toy Story message, one that has a focus on a toy drive.

This series will be a great opportunity to have a toy drive, and we've got a message designed to get kids to understand the importance of giving.  It should be a great series, and we're getting closer and closer to it... "I think it's working!!!!!"

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