Sunday, July 21, 2019


This morning was Madison's last morning as a student at KidPak, and there wasn't really any fanfare about it or any real, "Oh my, this is it."  After all these years as a student, she's going to move on to become a volunteer here.  She has the option of going to our youth ministry as well, but she may be content here for a while.  What's important is that she gets in that worship and gets in those Bible messages.  She'll continue to enjoy the services, just in a different capacity.  She's okay with this, remarkably.  Even more stunning, Daddy is.  Several years ago, this was a moment I dreaded, hoping it would never come.  We all have that, feeling of hoping the kids stay young forever, and just loving that youth so much.  But she's still young - just a different sort of youth.  She's fun to be with now too, and we're all enjoying the moment right now as well.  So it's not a dreaded moment so much.  Yes, there's a bittersweet feeling, and especially when we look back on those first images of Madison in KidPak, there's a longing to go back again and do it all over again. But at the same time, there's the moment of right now, which is just as fun.

Today, Isaac was speaking at KidPak, and it was a good message about the Tribe of Benjamin, one we did before about joining the Wolfpack - that sort of thing.  It's a great message, and a chance to wear the "three wolves howling at the moon" shirt (and socks!).

We had a nice lunch afterwards, with Mommy making us a nice shepherd's pie.  It's a great afternoon with sunny weather, a bit of reading on the porch, and listening to the sounds of Madison's piano practice in the front room.  She had a bath, and there were some video games - we were playing "Spider-man" again, and after that she watched "The Amazing Spider-man" for the first time - that's the one with The Lizard as a foe.  She enjoyed it, but she's definitely a fan of the current version of Spider-man best.  Still, we're going to probably spend this week watching the movies all over again, starting with the earliest ones, which are still Daddy's favorites, actually.

Anyway, we read from our book tonight, and said our prayers - it's an ordinary Sunday, and the summer Sundays are winding down until seventh grade starts.  That's pretty soon.  We're gearing up for that, starting with a dentist appointment tomorrow, a chiropractor visit next Monday, and of course the whole open house event that same Monday.  We'll try to squeeze in another activity or two while we have the free time left in the summer.  But today was still nice.

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