Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Beach Stroll

We're back to the beach again, and it's been pretty hot out there during the daytime.  But we were able to make a nice walk along the shoreline together at dusk, and it was very pleasant.  Also, as you can see, the beach was very quiet - as far as people go.  There were a lot of larger crabs, and pelicans and seagulls and yes, we even saw dolphins out there.  But there weren't as many people.  This might be attributed to the fact that there was a brief rain shower outside, and perhaps that drove everyone inside.

So we were out there taking our walk, and as you can see, Madison wrote her name in the sand.  She also wrote a few other names in the sand too.  We took pictures and sent them back to folks just to brighten a few days.

The water was a cool, and there were tidal pools along the way - we walked northward towards Daytona Beach, enjoying the sound of the waves and watching all the activity of the animals along the shoreline.  There was a breeze, but it wasn't too bad.  It was perfect weather for a beach stroll.

I always like to take the camera along for the first walk, especially if the grandparents come along.  Ba-Ba and Madison were having a nice time together, talking about all the things going on in Madison's life.

Along the way, we discovered some more of those unusual patterns in the sand, trails left by some sort of tiny creatures.  We're not sure which ones made these, but in one isolated location, there was a spot about ten feet long and two feet wide, just filled with these patterns.

We kept walking north, looking for turtle nests and just enjoying the walk itself.  Here you can see the reflection on the wet sand of a tower they've been renovating the last several years.

Right across the street from that tower is one of Madison's favorite ice cream stores.  We'll probably go there before all is said and done!

It was nice seeing her talk and listen to Ba-Ba as they walked along the beach.  It's nice out there at dawn and dusk, and so something like this is very pleasant and scenic too.

And of course, we're all interested in the turtle nests, to see where they are.  There's always an off chance a baby sea turtle could be emerging from one of these this week.  This one below is directly beneath the condo where we're all staying.

We've learned to read the numbers, the color of the ribbon, and that yellow ribbon in the back means "SOON."  So we'll keep an eye on this one!

It was a good day today, completely relaxing.  Everyone went shopping for a while, and like I said, there were a few rain showers.  But nothing played a spoiler on us today, because the mission objective was a relaxing day:  and that we got.  Daddy read a book about Tripoli pirates, and Madison was playing Stardew Valley some.  She went out with the rest of the family and got some new clothing, and all of us were watching Wimbledon on and off.  Daddy did some writing for the "Toy Box" devotional, and this evening we all played dominoes for several rounds.  It was a nice day today, a great start to the week!

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