Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Quiet July

Summer break is winding down, and it's been a quieter July than most, although we've had a few moments here or there.  But mostly it's been quiet here.  Madison has spent a good deal of time in Stardew Valley, occasionally being prodded to get up and do piano practice or run through her form on taekwondo.  We were all at the grocery store today, a place we actually hadn't been in a while.  We were running low on supplies at the fort, so we went out on this epic grocery shopping binge, something I think I've never done to this extent before.  I mean, the shopping cart was beyond full.  There was no room in it for anything else - we filled up the trunk of the car too!  But we should be ready for the school year, and ready for the apocalypse too, if that should happen.  We've got a lot of food right now!

Tonight, Madison was at taekwondo, one last day with her purple belt.  By her own admission, she needs to practice on her form somewhat, as the testing is on Thursday evening.  But she was there along with the others who have gone through the summer months working towards achieving that new rank.  Hopefully all that effort will be rewarded in a few days.  Madison is excited about that, as she's given up a few things to stay in taekwondo and earn the belt.  Next year, we may take a break over the summer, but we'll see.  The end result of this was staying home a bit more than we usually do over the summer months.  But in the end, that blue belt is on the way, and she's certainly worked hard for it.

We had a great meeting about our KidPak series, "Toy Box," today, and all that remains is drama writing and proofing these booklets that Daddy has written.  I have finished two booklets, each one over thirty pages long.  So next comes the proofing.  It'll be a fun series, I think.

Tonight we were still in that western mood, after the events of Saturday's National Day of the Cowboy.  That being said, we watched the old Disney gem, "Home on the Range."  All three of us loved this movie.  I can't understand why others do not, but there's this period of Disney movies that are really under appreciated, like "Emperor's New Groove," "Meet the Robinsons," "Lilo and Stitch," "Chicken Little," "Treasure Planet," and more.  "Home on the Range" is right in there in the midst of these - it's a fun movie.  Seeing all the western scenery on our screens was fun too, given this weekend's visit.

It was a quiet night, not much going on, and part of a quiet day, and of course part of a quiet month of July.

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