Monday, July 29, 2019

Godzilla vs. Doc Williams

We had another chiropractor appointment this morning, all part of the back-to-school ritual.  Madison has such a great time with Doc Williams here, the two of them always joking around as adjustments are made here or there.  The whole family had an appointment, as we usually do.  We've been doing this for quite some time - here's a picture of Madison from 2009 - she's known this chiropractor her whole life!

We went to Cracker Barrel after this, sharing lunch together and drinking this amazing soda they have there.  There are a lot of unique sodas for sale, and we always try something new.  This Dark Cream soda there was fantastic.

After a nice meal, we got home and did a lot of work in the yard with Nana and Ye-Ye, who were here to lead in that effort.  We've cleared a whole lot of shrubbery and weeds and fallen leaves, and really opened up an area to the side of our house.  We've got a long ways to go, but it's looking better and better each day.

Tonight, Madison finally saw a movie she hasn't seen yet, but heard about before:

It's Godzilla from 1998!  This movie is a historic movie because it is actually the first movie that Mommy and Daddy went to see together.  We've probably talked about this before here on this blog.  In fact, here's one of the first times we talked about Godzilla 1998, along with some super early pictures.

She actually really liked the movie!  By the director's own admission, this is a popcorn movie.  It lacks any real heaviness, and is just simply a fun movie if you don't stop to think too often.  And of course, it is this Godzilla that has a big history with our gifts and so on - to this day, we have a lot of this merchandise in the house, big and small versions of the 1998 Godzilla.

After the movie, we decided to get to bed on time.  We've got to start training ourselves to get to sleep at a reasonable hour, as school is starting pretty soon.  We started a new book, "Dark Force Rising, " the second part of this Star Wars book series we're reading.  This was from Madison's request, as she liked the last one so much.

After prayers, it was time for bed, and time for bed for all of us.  Not long now, and we'll be on that school schedule once more... it's hard to imagine actually thinking about this, all this while it is still JULY.  Crazy!

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