Friday, July 19, 2019

Agents of P.I.A.N.O.

Agents of P.I.A.N.O - "Playing In A Nice Overture"?  I couldn't come up with a word that started with "O."  Anyway, all along this summer, Madison has been back to the piano, and as you can see above, today was no different.  She had Daddy print out several examples of sheet music, and got to work with the one hand, the one side, just seeing if she can find the melody.

We had our final art camp today - Daddy picked her up from class, watching all the kids exit the building hoisting various art projects from the week.  Some, we've posted here.  Others, like the room she's been designed, we saw for the first time today.  She did a great job, and really enjoyed class this week.  It felt good being creative and doing some new things she hasn't tried before.  And they turned out rather well too.  It was a great week for her.

Daddy's been making art too, or at least doing some graphic design.  Including this bummer here:

It's a bummer because Madison is already in her last year of KidPak, and this basically means... she's upgrading beyond.  For the time being, she's decided to stay right here at KidPak, volunteering and helping out wherever she can.  This is fairly common for our sixth graders - now our seventh graders.  They're ready to volunteer and help out!

Today, Nana and Ye-Ye made some dramatic moves in our yard, clearing out so much and doing so much yard work.  We helped a little, but not that much compared to what they were doing.  They had been there a very long time in the hot sun, and everything is looking so well now.  Ye-Ye is amazing at what he does.

We got the popcorn out, and watched "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." tonight in the guest bedroom.  We've been there since the beginning, as you can see from this blog going back.  Mommy and Daddy have watched every episode starting from Day One.  I bring this up because today it was announced that there will be this season, and then next season will be the final season of the show.  This has been the only show we've watched as it was aired, and we'll probably be doing that throughout the next season too.  It's just been one of those things that has been with us for a while, and it'll be sad to see it go.  We don't write much on social media about it, each of us part of that "silent fandom."  But we're here faithfully watching, cheering on all the characters - and hoping everyone survives... RIP Agent Davis.  That one hurt.

Anyway, the girls are excited to find out what happens next, and in fact, it seems like it will be a Marvel sort of weekend, as we're finally going to go see "Spider-Man" tomorrow.  Couple this with Comic Con going on right now, and Marvel's announcement of their upcoming movies.  Madison is quite excited about this.  And... so are we.  Fun stuff!

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