Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Box

Daddy attended a funeral tonight, one for a twenty-year-old girl.  There was a box of mementos there in one of the room, of items that she had in her room - right there in the front was an item that brought some of us on staff to tears.  It was the fanny pack that we gave out for Summer Xtreme this year.  She was a volunteer with us, and also a kid at KidPak not too long ago.  Her younger brother is still in KidPak - we were there for him as well today.  It was a very difficult night, a tragic thing, and one very difficult to understand or explain.  In truth, we can't - and maybe won't ever.  We just have to trust in the Lord.  At least we mourn like those who have hope.

It was a work day for Daddy, and a day for Madison to start really gearing up for school. She focused on gathering all her school supplies together, including all the new notebooks and items we just got from that extended school supply list.  The items were easy to find on the list, although we still have one or two more things to get.  But there were a lot of them.  Madison was putting things together today, and organizing her desk at home, and basically getting the clutter out of the way so she can be ready for school.

Daddy wrote the last message of the "Toy Box" series today, perhaps.  It's message number eight, at least.  That's the usual amount, and that should take us to October, perhaps.  We'll see how it all works out on the calendar.  Lately, we've had events that have been pulling out the rug from under us, delaying things or forcing us to change plans.  It seems as if there are a lot of rugs around here.

It was a work day, but Daddy has determined tomorrow we'll do something with the family together.  Not sure what yet, so you'll have to look here to this blog and find out.

In the meantime, tonight we did read - we're getting closer to the end of this first book.  We prayed, and of course given where Daddy just visited, the prayers were a little more emotional.  We pray for this family.  I still do.  And as we do that, we hold the ones we love a little closer.

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