Saturday, July 20, 2019

Mysterio & Hot Sauce

We finally saw "Spider-Man:  Far From Home" today, and the consensus is three thumbs up.  Of course, all three of us are extreme Spider-man fans.  Only Daddy knew a little more about Mysterio, but by the end of the day, everyone here was an expert.  They did such a great job with this obscure villain.  To make him the primary villain in a movie was such a thrill, given that there are so many other villains to choose from.  Like Kraven, for example.  And Venom hasn't had a proper go against Spider-Man of late.  That's what's been so great about all of these Spider-man movies - we've had all the villains, from the Goblin to Doc Oc to Sandman to the Lizard to Electro... it's been a lot of fun seeing these new challenges come.  And this one was very unique.  But beyond that, the story beyond the villain was great as well.  Like I said, all three of us enjoyed it greatly.

We got home, and tried "Disney Infinity" again, just because it features Mysterio as the first villain to face off against.  After that, we spent a long time, just riding around in cars throughout the city.  Because why not.

It rained on and off today, and was certainly fairly humid.  Daddy was writing inside, and Madison was doing Stardew Valley, but also playing piano too.  We're putting together the "Toy Story" series, still writing and ordering costumes, and still putting things together.  It's starting to come together though, and it will be amazing for the kids.

"Daddy, am I a nerd?"

This was a funny out-of-nowhere question.  It wasn't exactly that anyone called her a nerd, but Madison was feeling a need to classify herself, and wanted the definition of what a nerd is.  Daddy did his best with the description, mentioning a love of science, math, science fiction, comic book stuff and so forth.  Madison determined that she was part nerd, a sort of hybrid nerd.  That definition alone makes her more nerd than anything, but I wasn't going to disagree.  She'd part nerd, and there you go.

Here is breakfast for Madison.  The tater tots are a staple.  It's the assembly of hot sauces you should take note of.  She had six bottles of hot sauce at the table this morning, a mini-bar of hot sauces.  We were joking that she needs to carry around a bandolier strap, loaded down with jars of hot sauce, ready for anything!  At this point, if we didn't know any better, we'd think she was from the Sichuan Province in China, one noted for hot and spicy cuisine.  She goes through hot sauce very quickly around here!

Today was a day to get ready for tomorrow.  That's Saturday for you.  But we had some fun, and got some rest.  There was a bit of yard work being done too.  We read in bed, and we prayed tonight.  It was a good day.

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