Monday, July 22, 2019

The Davy Jones Football League

Nana and Ye-Ye have been finding all kinds of athletic balls in the areas they've been cleaning up.  They've discovered roughly four baseballs, two wiffle balls, one basketball and this ball you see above:  Davy Jones' Football.

This football is amazing.  It looks like a prop from "Dead Man's Chest" or something like that!  It's greet to begin with, which I'm not entirely sure is the natural color of this ball.  And there's literally moss growing out from the seams, like some sort of cursed seaweed.  This is a football team I can get behind:  with players like Koleniko, Clanker, Maccus, Crash and Jimmy Legs on the front line, I'm fairly certain this would be a game worth watching.  Imagine the taunts from the quarterback, Davy Jones:  "Do you fear death?  Do you fear that dark abyss?  If you be brave or fool enough to face a pirate's curse, proceed!"

Cheerleaders would have an amazing cheer:  "Let no joyful voice be heard!  Let no man look up to the sky with hope!"

Ah, do you remember the famous Pirate Bowl not long ago?  The one where Buccaneers and Raiders battled for supremacy?  That year, two pirate teams made it to the Super Bowl.  I know Davy Jones and his Flying Dutchman crew were probably in some pub cheering each team on.  Arrr!

Today we were off getting supplies for school.  These days they give you a grocery list of items to go pick up, and it just about fills up a shopping cart.  Other stressed parents look around for the same items on the same list.  There aren't any pirate items, sadly.  It's just notebooks, cleaning supplies, erasers, and so on.

Also part of the routine before the school season starts is a trip to the dentist to make sure all is well with the teeth.  Wonderfully, this does have a nautical theme:  the whole place is decorated like it is an undersea world.  No pirates are present, no gold teeth.  But perhaps after hours, some may show up.  We went there this morning, and Madison did well again, with no cavities to speak of.  This gave her access to the pirate chest, and some more booty.  She got some flash lights and other items, and soon after that we were off to get something to eat at Texas Roadhouse, leaving pirates behind and visiting with cowboys.

That was a nice lunch, just the three of us together.  It was also kind of quiet, which was fine of course.  We had a nice meal together, and then were off to the house.  We did a tiny bit of yard work, but Nana and Ye-Ye did most of that.  The yard is looking so amazingly different, and it looks fantastic.  It's coming along incredibly!

We went to taekwondo after this, and Madison is inching closer to her third stripe, and her new belt - next week.  She didn't quite get past where she needed to earn her third stripe, and that was a bit emotional for her.  But she has quite a bit of resolve, and started practicing immediately upon getting home.  She's determined to nail this, and we know she'll do well.  She has great instructors, and is practicing hard.

Tonight, we continued our "Spider-man" fest with a viewing of that first movie, which is just so stinking incredible.  I forgot how good it was.  Can't wait to watch the second one tomorrow with Doc Oc.

We read tonight afterwards, and Talon Karrde is in a bit of trouble in our story.  We'll see how things turn out, but the girls are very much into this Star Wars story.

We said our prayers afterwards, and soon after that, all three of us were in bed - pretty tired, and ready for a good night's rest.  It was a good day, as tomorrow will be.  The summer break is winding down, and we have a few plans for other things to do soon.  But today was a nice day, and we got a lot done.

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