Wednesday, July 21, 2021

National Hot Dog Day

Today is National Hot Dog Day, and of course there's only one real way to celebrate that.  But beyond the obvious, we had a fun game tonight for Camille's online small group.  Maddie and the others played a game of concentration, using matching cards like this one above that I made using graphics I found of hot dogs online.  The small groups are fun with the games because frequently there aren't any great ideas until we look up whatever random holiday it is, and then we go from there.  National Hot Dog Day was a day that was indeed worth celebrating!

Small groups was good, of course, and still going strong over a year later.  Maddie is going to one of the houses of the other girls in her small group this Friday for a little party, and that should be nice.  It's just great to meet up with other girls with similar backgrounds and beliefs, and just have a good time together.

I was at my cardio this morning, this to counteract any damage done by hot dogs.  My blood pressure remains low, although I imagine the stress of the following week will add an extra dimension of fun to it.  But I only have a few more classes of this left, just about two weeks and I'm done, and ready for the next thing.  My heart rate is so much better now that it takes a lot more significant effort to get the heart rate going.  

We were doing a lot of work for the "Legends of Oz" series, writing this movie message, getting clips, and finding imagery.  It's going to be a solid morning at KidPak for "At the Movies," and then there's "Thunderstruck," which I'm also still writing, and then there's one more week in Oz... and then "The Lost World."  I'm finishing with that proofing of those two Jurassic books, and they'll actually be printed for the first time.  Back in 2019, we had an issue with our stage and couldn't do the series back then.  Then in 2020, there was the pandemic, and we got stopped at that series at the last moment.  Here we are, years later, and we're finally doing it.  It's going to be great!

Maddie and I have been hooked on the Cretaceous Camp episodes now, as things have gone wrong.  Go figure. That's the way it works with these controlled dinosaur environments.  That's how it always starts.  Then later there's running and um, screaming.  This show has taken quite a turn though, because despite the CGI Barbie look, there are characters that actually get eaten by dinosaurs.  Not only that, the dinosaurs kind of play with their food first!  Anyway, it's been fun to watch, just because it looks like within a month, despite not going anywhere the last year, we're finally going to Isla Nublar!

Tonight we read from our book again, the next chapter of "Kingdom Keepers V."  I forgot how many of these sequences there were, how many action scenes within the park or on their property.  It's been good up until now, and a nice moment each night reading together.  Maddie always wants a little more read, and tonight I was glad to have the energy to do that!  

We said our prayers afterwards, and soon after that, we were all asleep.  It was a good day.  A busy one, but a good one.

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