Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Home Grown Cucumbers

We finally got a Chick-Fil-A peach milkshake today after dinner, part of a nice trip out this evening.  One stop was the library, where we haven't been in a while.  Madison picked up a Star Wars book, and we also picked up a few bags of library giveaways, some summer crafts and activities that Maddie was already trying when we got home.  She started the book right away too.  While out, we got some items from Home Depot, indulging some paint for the Tin Woodsman's shoes, and some fertilizer for the blueberry bushes.

We did some planning today for our upcoming event at KidPak, and there was some writing too.  I'm done with the next script, and it should be fun.  I didn't realize that there were crullers in "The Wizard of Oz," but that's what they're called - in honor of all that, we'll have crullers on Sunday for everyone!

We also did some filming today, and we're planning a game for this week.  Maddie is going to be one of the contestants, and she's excited about it, although she's nervous.  She's been a part of a few teams, and been on the losing side of things.  This time around, it's Maddie vs. someone else, and it's all on her.  She really wants to win, but we keep reminding her that these games are just fun and not always completely fair.  Not that we direct where there's unfairness, it's just that there's a certain chaos factor.  Anyway, this game upcoming is a scavenger hunt with clues that lead to the different locations.  It's another race, and I made up all the elements to it.  I just don't want to give her any hints, so that it's completely fair.  That's hard as a dad!

Tonight we were watching Ghost Rider again, moving along with season 4 of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."  I love these episodes - I'll have to pull out some of the Ghost Rider comics I have to read with Maddie.  I even have some of the new ones with Robbie Reyes.  It took an adjustment to seeing Ghost Rider not on a motorcycle anymore.  But the Charger looks pretty amazing. 

It's been dry the last few days, but there's suppose to be some rain upcoming.  Still, I was out watering everything for quite a bit tonight, including our garden vegetables.  Mom got a few more tomatoes and some cucumbers too.  She actually put some of those cucumber slices in water with lemon, and we let them soak overnight to add flavor to the water.  It made a refreshing drink!

We read some more tonight, continuing with the Kingdom Keepers, who just had a run-in with Jafar now.  All kinds of villains lurking about!  We said our prayers, and soon enough after that, we're off to sleep...

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