Monday, July 12, 2021

New Chiropractor Location

We were back at the chiropractor again today, but it was at a new location!  That's right, our chiropractor moved, and the new location is really nice.  It's at a spot that's close to where the original location was way back in the 80's, which was one I've never been to but Mom was a patient back there back then.  This location is super nice, with lots of parking, lots of space indoors, and just a nicer feeling to it.  We're pretty happy for everyone, and already the other location is a distant memory.

We raced out of there and over to Oakwood for taekwondo, which was a few hours tonight.  Maddie was an instructor again, and then there were the other classes as well, a longer night, but a good one.  I was getting some things written while Maddie was kicking people's faces.  Okay, so it wasn't exactly that, but she was sparring some, and also doing some flying kicks that were pretty awesome.  One kick was funny, this aerial side kick that went through the target - but she actually landed on the ground with that leg still extended, sliding forward a foot or two after that.  Talk about commitment!  She was absolutely cracking up at that one.

It was raining quite a bit today, and suddenly we're looking wet all the time with the weather.  Mom had an amazing barbecue chicken for us at dinner time, and right after that, Nana and Ye-Ye came over to watch "Black Widow" with us - we saw that again tonight.  Everyone lined up in the living room on the couch, and Maddie made popcorn for all of us so we could enjoy the total movie theater experience.  It was better the second time around, the movie.  The message was pretty strong, and of course the action sequences were great.  We're so glad to see her get her own movie, and we're looking forward to seeing Hawkeye get his own show too.

Maddie was at home the rest of the day, getting the house ready for guests at the end of this week, but also talking with friends online as well.  She's been talking to some of her school friends again, and will no doubt be starting up some of those conversations again soon enough when school starts.  This Saturday, she'll be visiting her new high school for the first time, and we might even see some familiar faces then.  

We said our prayers tonight, and we read from our book as well.  We're getting to the end of that Kingdom Keepers book.  Maddie's been enjoying that one.  It was late after the movie tonight, so we didn't spend too much time reading like usual.  One big reason is that we need to get up earlier tomorrow to make a special visit in the morning.  You'll just have to read about that one tomorrow!

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