Friday, July 9, 2021

Strawberries and Cream

In honor of our recent Wimbledon engagement, Mom made a super special treat for us tonight.  We've been hearing about strawberries and cream for the entire two weeks, so tonight she made us a really tasty dessert, adding strawberries we picked up yesterday to some cream she whipped up, and adding some mint leaves that she picked from our garden.  The end result you see above, all four of us sitting down and enjoying this delicious Wimbledon tradition.

That was just dessert.  Mom made these kabobs tonight when I got home, and so I fired up the grill to cook these up.  She said you could smell these cooking all the way out in the front yard.  The pineapples and grilled chicken go so well together, along with those delicious cherries.  Good eating tonight!

Today was taekwondo again, both leadership class and black belt class.  Maddie - along with the other students - had this ridiculous sparring session, where every student in the class sparred with every other student, all immediately one after the other, one match at a time.  It was relentless!  All the students were quite exhausted by the end!  There were some great maneuvers with the swords, and just the usual great time had by all the students.  Maddie enjoyed it, although she took a few good hits during sparring today.  She gave a few good hits too!

There were some stronger thundershowers today, lots of red on the radar today.  It was covering the whole of North Georgia, soaking us all a good bit.  There's cooler weather coming in afterwards, and that's going to be perfectly pleasant.  

We did some filming for "At the Movies" today, a little promo spot that we'll showing later on next week.  I'm reprising my role as somewhat of a mission commander, and it's a more comical sort of thing than anything.  The series should be great.

We had a good day today, and yes there was some Wimbledon watching in there.  We're watching Djokovic roll along towards the finals, but he's got his work cut out for him in that final game upcoming.  Meanwhile, in the women's side of things, the Australian is heading to the final giving those of us with shorter stature something to cheer about.  We'll see how the match goes tomorrow, as we've been pretty invested in Wimbledon this year.

There was a bit more reading tonight, as I wasn't quite as tired.  We said our prayers afterwards, and not long later, we were off to sleep with smiles knowing we didn't have to set the alarm for tomorrow.

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