Saturday, March 7, 2020

Revenge of the Shamrock Shake

We were out shopping for some fabrics today, off to Cumming to get a few things.  While there, why not stop by for a seasonal favorite?  Yes, the Shamrock Shake is back, presumable off in Ireland or something like that during its absence.  I was happy to hear this classic milkshake was back, although I can't have a terribly large one. It's super sugary, and a whole lotta' milk.  But it's a nice tasty treat we could share while Mommy was in the shop picking out what fabrics she needed to in order to start her sewing.

We were killing time while Mommy was looking through fabrics, and so Madison took some more pictures of food, this time from the Sprouts grocery store right next door.

Nice.  It's a moody picture of green peppers.  We were doing a bit of this today, exploring and so on.  Also, at the craft store itself, there was one of these wooden block arrangements where you could spell out "HOME LIFE."  So we changed them to read something else instead.

HOFE LIME.  Yes, we were kind of killing time.  And being goofy.  But we did go see a movie today, I think for the first time this year.  We just haven't gotten around to it, so why not?  We went to see the movie "Onward," which was another great Pixar movie the three of us enjoyed.  We were in the back row with our big tub of popcorn, just like we usually are - but it's just been a while.  Anyway, it was nice.  There was a good crowd to see the movie, as it is opening weekend.  But we go there early enough to get the seats we wanted, and sat through until after the credits, as is our custom.  We weren't in any hurry.

Madison did some piano today, and we were doing a lot of cleaning up around the house.  We'll have some special guests tomorrow, the grandparents on their way up from Florida.  Hopefully the rain will let up a little, or at least just enough so they can enjoy their visit more.  They are officially looking for homes, and we have several options already picked out, so there'll be some touring when they come up next week.

We all slept in this morning, and we're all getting to bed early too, at least after the usual nightly routines with television, books and prayer.  It was a pleasant day, and a productive one - and most notably a dry day.  There were hardly any clouds at all in the sky, and that in itself was remarkable.  We could walk around outside without any umbrellas or heavy jackets, and that is always nice.

We've got KidPak tomorrow, and it's going to be a good morning, I think.  Samantha has a story to tell, and we can't wait to be there for it.

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