Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Fear of Leprechauns

This was probably the most unusual St. Patrick's Day yet, as we had no school or work or anything like that going on today.  Actually, we kept busy - all of us.  Daddy went in to the office for a while today, meeting up with Josh and and a few others, and then actually meeting there online with some others from KidPak, working on our plans for the temporary future.  We've got some ideas in place, and tomorrow we'll probably return for filming.

Such a surreal season, isn't it?  Never before in my lifetime, or perhaps the lifetime before this one, has there been a pandemic that's affected us in this particular way.  As a nation, we were shut down a little bit after 9-11, but this is something different, something ongoing, and something uncertain.  Nevertheless, we're trusting in Romans 8:28, that all things work out for the good of those that love the Lord.  And we're keeping busy:  Madison was at camp again today, where there were less than ten kids and there was no contact or fevers or coughing.  Mr. and Mrs. Edge check temperatures on the way in, and they keep everyone distant as they practice - or do homework, as you saw yesterday.  Today was more of the same, except for the filming parts.

They were actually filming some of their classes this morning so everyone can practice at home.  Madison was part of that filmed class, so she'll appear in the videos next week, or at least a little.  The students don't show their faces as much.  And that's okay, of course.  When Daddy arrived to pick up Madison, there were just two students left for one last bit that needed to be filmed.  You can see Madison below, doing one of her high kicks.

We got home and Madison went right to work on her classwork, something that took a good deal of time to do.  Yesterday, it was nearly two and a half hours.  Today was not quite as much, but consider the fact that she also spent about an hour doing classwork while at camp today.  She's been working hard, despite the fact that she's not at school.  And she really does hope to go back to school, and is praying that despite all this going on in the world, the threat will pass so that everyone can return before the end of the year.

At least we're all in this together.  That's another interesting thing about this, how it is no respecter of persons.  Today we dropped by the grocery store again to get Madison's favorite pizzas, and once again, they weren't there.  This time, there were huge lines at the grocery store, and some carts were filled with milk cartons, and in one case about fifteen loaves of bread, along with several jars each of peanut butter and jelly.  I believe that that individual was making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for hungry students stuck at home.  Not sure about the people buying milk.  And the running joke item is toilet paper.  For some odd reason, everyone is crazy about toilet paper.  We saw a guy escaping the drug store next door, clutching a package of toilet paper as if it were his small endangered child.  We're not quite sure why there's such a demand for toilet paper though.  But we're glad we got the medication we did a few weeks ago.  We sort of anticipated this, and got some supplies ahead of time.

When Madison was done with homework, we had dinner together.  There was corn beef, potatoes and cabbage for Mommy and Daddy, and some Irish music playing in the background too.  I found a record of "The Irish Rovers" that I got to play for the first time today - they're the ones that sing that song about the unicorn.  It doesn't end well for the unicorn.  But the song is catchy, and the Irish music was nice.  We sort of had our official celebration on Sunday, but today is the day, and we of course wore green and had Irish food and Irish music.

I was hoping to watch something matching that theme, but time was short.  We wound up watching some of the usual television that Madison likes to watch after doing her homework, the shows "Star Wars Resistance" and "Kickin' It."  And then the surprise came when we watched "Big Hero 6," the series.  It turns out that in this episode, there was an Irish twist to it!

It was an episode that revealed everyone's fears, and sure enough, Gogo Tomago is afraid of leprechauns!  Yes, we happened to be watching this on St. Patrick's Day, and by random coincidence, Gogo Tomago is afraid of leprechauns.

As you can see above, Fred goes to great lengths to attempt to scare her, dressed as a leprechaun riding around on a tricycle.  Which is about as scary as it sounds.  Gogo is obviously not frightened, at least not here.  It's such an odd fear, but it was super funny to us given that we didn't see it coming, didn't plan on it, and things just happened to fall in place for this day like this.

Anyway, it was a quiet night.  We read again tonight from our devotional, and we also read from "Thrawn" again.  We said our prayers for everyone's health, and that this national crisis would pass quickly.  It is a historic time.

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

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