Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Combat Carl says Stick with the Plan

Stick with the plan - don't cough in your hand.  Do no harm - cough in the arm!  Combat Carl's advice is needed more than ever lately.  Tonight things escalated to an unprecedented level, and it looks like they'll be escalating further in the coming days.  In short, one NBA basketball player was found positive with the virus and boom:  all the NBA games are cancelled.  The voice of Woody the cowboy announced that he and his wife had the virus.  And the President is shutting down all air travel between here and Europe.  All of the sudden, things have gotten surreal.  But they're about to get more so.

We had a good day today, and a good service tonight.  We were talking about our bottom line, "going into the unknown," which may have more meaning than I thought before placing it here.  Of course, the song "Into the Unknown" is from "Frozen 2," sung by Queen Elsa of Arendelle.  As an odd coincidence, one of the nearby countries is that of Corona.  That's where Rapunzel is from, and quite an unfortunate name.  But the idea of "going into the unknown" is the concept that we'll be living out in the coming days as this virus' presence increases.  I suspect that many people already have it and don't know it - I read that 80% of the people who get this will have only minor symptoms.   It is the older population at risk, and of course that's why everyone is being so careful with this one.

It's a dramatic day for sure, but the next few days may be even more so.

Madison was at school today, a "rewards" day for her and the other friends and classmates who had good behavior throughout the year.  There was never a danger of Madison not attending something like that.  Usually there are inflatables and games, and sure enough that's what Madison got to enjoy today.  She had a great time doing all of that, enjoying the rewards of her good behavior.  It was a good day to end things on for a bit, as things look like they're heading in that direction.  As far-fetched as it may seem, it may be that Forsyth County will be doing online classes soon enough.  Already a few schools are out because of this virus, these just one county south in Fulton County.  One teacher there tested positive, and now there are concerns.

Anyway, it's a dramatic day, and I imagine the drama is far from over.  We'll find out what tomorrow holds, but until then, we continue what we've always done, praying for protection and good health for our family and friends, and for this nation.

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