Thursday, March 19, 2020

An Unseen Enemy

Another day at camp, and here are the first four arrivals, all dressed up with their identical hoodies.  We had to snap a picture, because why not?

Madison had her class again this morning, this time with a few more participants - about ten kids showed up for class in the morning, all ready to do some nunchucks and practice with their form.  Some of this was filmed, so these videos will probably be shown next week as well.

The virus is increasing its presence.  We now know someone who has parents with the virus, and their grandmother has it too.  News reports increase of people contracting it all over, and that's troubling of course.  One one hand, you don't want to stop your life.  But there's a point coming very soon where social distancing just isn't enough.  The quarantines in certain areas are mandatory, understandably.  Our church office is closed of course, and so are the schools.  The idea is for everyone to stay home, and that may be the thing for us starting Saturday.  We got the online material created for the KidPak services, but the videos are something we'll still need to continue filming if we're to show those.  We'll see how that goes in the coming days.

We watched the President and his daily press conference, and we heard from the doctors and then the annoying gotcha questions from reporters.  The idea is to project optimism.  Yes, the facts are there is a virus out there.  And there's no direct evidence of a solution as yet, but it's clear we're getting closer to that.  So let's be positive.  I'm not sure that's familiar territory for the media.

It's a war against an unseen enemy.  That's the tagline of things moving on.  It's a unique time, because we are in fact under attack.  But the nature of the attack is unlike anything we've seen before.    Still, outside of irritating reporters, people seem to be banding together and working together.  The governor of New York and the President of the United States have both set aside political differences and have been complimenting each other during this crisis.  Imagine that, two different political parties working together to help people.  That was inspiring.  Too bad everyone else can't follow that pattern.

Madison spent a while - a long while - working on her social studies assignments online.  She's not happy with the computer assignments.  She says she would rather take the Milestones testing.  Which, by the way, has been postponed.  A lot of proms have been cancelled this year.  You feel bad for all the seniors this year who've had their special events cancelled.  At the same time you do not feel bad for the teenagers on spring break at the beach.  They're all down there to party in large inebriated groups.  So they'll all hang out together, not socially distant, and drunk.  And then they'll return to their home states to spread the virus there as well.  Ugh.

Tonight we were reading from our devotional, and we were reading from our Thrawn book before bedtime.  We watched a few episodes of television together, and played some games too.  We were playing Street Fighter a few rounds, just because.  Madison has been creating some pixelated artwork too, using her new phone to make some images.

It was a quiet evening.  I suspect we have a few more of those going on.  The grocery store wasn't too bad today.  We were able to pick up some things we needed, and the lines were less.  We're not desperate with food at this point, having stocked up long before this began.  We're keeping an eye on things though.  Everyone is.

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