Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Faith Over Fear

Faith Over Fear.  That's the new series we're doing at KidPak, and it may be exclusively online.  Josh made this logo above, and we're rolling with it.  An online series:  it's an interesting idea, of course one that many others are exploring right now.  The whole world is doing things online as we keep ourselves socially distant, or self-quarantine.  Here's an example of the type of meetings going on worldwide - this is one that we had for KidPak today.

This is pretty amazing.  You can see pastors for the seven churches, and the other staff members as well.  You can see Mommy there, and Madison as well, seated next to Daddy and Mr. Bart at Edge ATA.  We were joining this meeting from the studio, and there's Mommy at the house.  Also seen is Parker from South Carolina, and Diahann from California, and of course all the other campuses here in Georgia.  We met for over an hour, talking about what's next, and planning something to do for this weekend and beyond.

Daddy spent a lot of time putting together a new 28-page devotional for this series, each day dedicated to "Faith Over Fear," basically material gathered from many of the past series, each entry having something to do with either fear or faith.  The sermon booklet is next, and then we'll be getting the local printer to lay it all out... but not print it.  We're just making them into pdf files, and those will be available for the launch of our new online series.  Hopefully this is it, but if we're out of church for the next few weeks, then we'll make some great online services for the kids to enjoy.

So as you saw above, Madison was at taekwondo camp today, and it continued with Madison doing her training in the studio.  She's a bit more ahead than the others, as this camp is giving her some more personal training than the usual classes.  There's time for her to work on her classwork too, though there's been a lot of website issues for the school.  The surge of people online with classwork is unexpected and immense, and there have been a lot of challenges just getting assignments.  But Madison has been sticking with it.  She's spending hours doing her work though, so focused on meeting all these deadlines, and even a bit stressed.

We're all a bit stressed lately though.  We don't know what's going to happen next, and it's again surreal.  We lean not on our own understanding, of course.  Trust in the Lord, and that's what we're doing.  Stay optimistic, despite what all is going on all around.

Tonight we were together, the three of us, and we were praying over the future, for the health of people, and for the country in general.  So much to pray for, but again, just like we're preaching at our church, we can make it if we have faith over fear.

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