Friday, March 27, 2020

The LEGO Mandalorian

Ah!  Here's the LEGO Mandalorian, as advertised.  We finished this guy today, and in celebration, we watched another few episodes of the television show with the same name.  We also watched the next episode of "Clone Wars," another part of the Ahsoka story.  It seems to be heading in an interesting direction, although this latest episode was a bit slower.

Madison had some make-up work to do today with Language Arts, some reading there.  Also, she had a few other assignments as well.  She had plenty of time to do that.  She was also doing her taekwondo workout, and her piano practice as well.  A reward for all that?  Ice cream.  Daddy went and got ice cream from the grocery store, both for her and Mommy.  We also got enough pizza to make our freezer pretty much so full nothing else can fit into it.  Madison is ready for the Pizzapocalypse!

We saw a few online things today, a few items that were live-streamed for the word.  It's great seeing things get shared from various sources.  Even though both of these were pre-recorded, they were fun to watch together with the other fans.  The first was a Cirque du Soleil video that was made from a few of their productions, including "Kurios" and "O."  We watched the entire thing, mainly because you can't start something like that and not finish the whole thing.  The other livestream was from They Might Be Giants, which didn't have the best video, but the sound was good and it's the thought that counts.  There have been a lot of daily freebies online as everyone has been throwing out performances from their living room, or videos to share with the world.  KidPak's next video will be on Sunday, of course, and we've been working on more beyond that.

Madison is working on the Dark Lord of the Sith next, and I believe we'll see pictures of that tomorrow when it is finished.  She's got her earphones on, plugging LEGO pieces into each other, one piece at a time.  Just like we'll make it through this quarantine, one day at a time.

We've been talking with Nana and Ba-Ba each day, and they're looking good down there.  It's safe and sound for them - the farthest they go is across the street to the grocery store.  Otherwise, it's no human contact, even on the beach, which seems to be all theirs.  On FaceTime, they were showing us live footage of the beach, how unpopulated it is right now.  It's warm down there too.  There could be worse places to be quarantined...!

Daddy was fixing up the location of our future vegetable garden in the back yard, weeding it and getting the ground ready for some new plants.  Also, he was putting out the carpenter bee trap.  Those flying diggers are back, ready to make holes in the sides of houses.  The ants are back too.  We catching a lot of those visitors in our house.  The carpenter bee trap is pretty remarkable, because there's no denying it works.  I have no idea why!

Oh, here's something that happened today as well:  we were writing handwritten cards to senior citizens at their homes.  Currently, they're trapped there with no visitors, as they're the most susceptible to serious problems with this virus.  So some in our church are writing cards, and we'll have a visitor drop by tomorrow to pick them up and take them to the home.  That's very nice.  Daddy wrote about 22 so far, and Madison is going to write some as well.  That will be great.

Daddy has finished the skits for "Northern Lights" now, and is working on the next series, as it seems possible we won't have church on campus until the end of April.  That means more brainstorming for more online series.  Right now, this current one is going well though:  Faith Over Fear.

We said our prayers tonight, especially for our leaders and our country.  We're in the midst of the biggest battle we've been in since September of 2001.  We went to bed tonight, having done a good amount of work today.  Time for some rest.

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