Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Bowling People

Okay, has this not been the longest March ever?

We started earlier today, heading over to the North Campus to do a bit of bowling.  This is our game segment for this weekend, where we were doing "human bowling," a process you can see below as we take a test run with Madison, our first human bowling ball:

It was a fun morning.  We had girls versus boys, and I think the end result will be pretty funny.  While we were here though, we also took advantage of this unique moment to let Madison complete an assignment she has in photography, one where she has to tell a story with pictures.  So here below is that new photo story, one taken this morning:

It was a fun morning, and it did go on into the afternoon somewhat.  Madison and Daddy went over to Lowe's to pick up a paint roller, and of course things were extreme there with the precautions concerning the spread of the virus.  Lines and marks were put on the ground where people were instructed to stand when getting in line to pay for products, each "X" on the ground marking where people could stand in line, six feet apart.

We were at the church for a tiny bit, as Daddy was picking up some material for our next series, one we'll be doing based on last year's "Miracles" series.  A lot of the video work is already done, and it goes with a series our church will be doing for the main services, a series called "Miracles In Your Home."  But Daddy is also helping out another church in Maine, sending material that way.  It's been fun watching things from down here, helping out with that online service each week.

After we got home, Madison was busy with her classwork for school (although she was technically also doing that during the bowling game!).  She also did some piano, and there was ice cream at the end of it all as well.  We were writing more cards for the senior citizens today, another eight or so.  And then there was more online taekwondo!

So we're keeping busy here, despite the plague.  Things are increasing though, and April is looming.  But at least it is finally here - again, this has been the longest March ever!

We continued our jailbreak movie series with one of the greatest jailbreaks ever.  Tonight we watched "Guardians of the Galaxy," and got hooked on a feeling right away.  I forgot how good this movie was.  It goes without saying that we'll be watching "Volume 2" tomorrow night.

It was a later night tonight, so not so much reading.  But we said our prayers, and we had a good night's rest.  Sure, we may be stranded, but we're stranded together, and that makes everything much better.

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