Sunday, March 29, 2020

Ready to Fly

We started this morning out right, by going to church together.  Like last week and the week before, this new normal means watching our service online.  We started out with the main service, the one for grown-ups and family.  But then afterwards, we were watching our KidPak service as well.

As you can see here, Nerdo is back!  He came by to film.  And of course we showed the game segment we filmed with the water balloons as well.  "Faith Over Fear" is going over very well, with a pretty good audience watching, and also a big audience actually downloading the material Daddy was writing.  It's been an encouragement, and that's great to see.

Another thing that was great to see was our mourning dove, a temporary guest in our house.  Pastor Franklin was talking about a stirring of the nest this morning at our online service, and how the young birds are displaced, uncomfortable and even pushed out of the nest - all of this in order to learn how to fly, and how to use those wings, or those gifts they didn't even realize they had.  Anyway, the template was all about falling out of the nest, and learning to fly again.  It is better to try to fly, than to stay in the nest and die.  All that said, we just knew it was a good time to see if our new winged friend would be ready to fly.

Sure enough, the mourning dove flew up and towards a nearby tree branch right away.  It was very nice to see, and nice to know we helped this poor little bird out.  When we saw it yesterday, we knew there was trouble.  But this was a quick and happy ending!

Here's something else that was ready to fly!

Madison's next LEGO creation is a TIE Bomber, or a TIE Surface Assault Bomber, for you nerds.  This one actually came with a little LEGO TIE fighter pilot to go inside, and additionally a spring-loaded bomb that shoots out of the one side.  Of course, Madison has shot me several times with it.  Thank you, LEGO people!  Seriously, this one is pretty cool, and a welcome addition to our growing collection of LEGO Star Wars items on the mantle.  We'll do a group shot when we're done - we have about two left, I think.  Maybe three.

We kept busy today, doing piano practice and even taekwondo practice.  Daddy was writing, and Mommy has been catching up on sewing things that have been on a mending waiting list.  We were playing a few games today - Daddy is back doing Street Fighter again, while Madison is playing some games on her phone.  We all sat down together to finish off "The Mandalorian" tonight, three episodes in a row!  We miss Kuiil.  It's hard to watch that part, and you get all angry at the Empire wannabes again.  Down with the Empire!

We watched the service from Maine tonight also, our friends from Charleston Church and their children's ministry called Kids on the Move.

The alien on the screen behind us is named Chip, and he's become one of our favorite characters.  I really want to get one of those masks!  It's been fun to see their services from down here in Georgia, and see how we really are all in this together.  We've been working together behind the scenes a bit, sending a few things up there to Maine.  The last two weeks, they've actually been performing some of Daddy's skits up there, and using some of our videos as well.  Pretty fun!

It was a quiet day today.  We read tonight from "Thrawn," and are reading about Padme's adventures as well - it turns out this library book isn't due back until JUNE.  Yeah, the libraries are going to be closed for some time.  We have four books out, and the first due date was some time in March.  Then it was extended to April 6th, once this virus broke out.  Now, we're looking at JUNE.  So yeah, we can take our time reading this latest book!

We did hide-and-seek tonight, always funny.  And we read, and we prayed.  We had zerberts, and we had the Imperial Infuser going with the theme song that we hum when it turns red.  And we said "I love you." Because we do.  We're anxious to fly, just like that bird.  We're anxious to get out of the house and go do something.  We're anxious to go to work, go to school, or go on a big vacation.  But for now, at least we have each other.  We've seen things online about families driving each other crazy in the house, and I know they might be exaggerating some of that.  Regardless, we've been blessed with a happy home, and we're quite thankful for that.

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