Thursday, March 12, 2020

Into the Unknown

Well, first the good news.  Today Uncle George arrived, and he got here just in time to come see Madison at taekwondo.  He and Ba-Ba went to taekwondo to see Madison, and you can see here she broke another board in two with a jump kick.

They're holding what used to be a complete board, and Madison looks ready to get another one if it were put in front of her.  Previously, she was practicing on a few other boards, which you can see here in a shot Daddy took beforehand.

It was a fun night for Madison, doing all kinds of kicks and strikes.  We were having a great time watching her punch at the targets, pushing them back and pushing the people back holding them.  She's got a lot of power!

We got home and we all had a nice meal together, chicken parmesan, and all kinds of good Italian food.  There was a lot of catching up, of course, a lot to talk about.  It was great to have everyone together again.

Tonight was also a big night - this was the night Madison saw "Napoleon Dynamite" for the first time.  Daddy and Uncle George were talking about it so much tonight that sure enough, we sat down with Madison and Mommy, and we all watched that flippin' movie together.  Tomorrow, I think we'll be having some dang quesadillas for dinner!  This movie was so huge in 2006, and it held up well - it's still fun to watch!

Okay, so now for the not-so-fun part of the day.  No school tomorrow, but we found out the inevitable:  no school next week either.  The virus has closed down the schools.  Madison will be doing online classwork, as teachers work from home to keep all the students busy.  Baseball is suspended.  March Madness is gone.  NASCAR in Atlanta is still on, but without actual crowds.  Just the racers.  Debates are not in front of crowds.  Television shows with live studio audiences are going to be without a studio audience.

It's getting crazy.  It's serious out there.  It's surreal.  And the biggest blow of all:  no church Sunday.  No KidPak, no church at all for any of our campuses.  There are many, many churches not having service this weekend.  The governor has asked that people not host events that have more than 500 people, but there are gatherings with far less than that which are being cancelled.

We said our prayers tonight, and read from the devotional.  The next coming weeks will be highly unusual.

We're not quite sure where any of this is going.  It's scary, and it's certainly heading into the unknown.  Daddy wrote this up for a video we might be sharing, or maybe not, something to share with the kids.  It's a very interesting time, unforgettable, momentous, and quite dramatic.


HOST: “Hello KidPak.  Just this past Sunday at KidPak, we were sharing a story about stepping out in faith into a new place.”

HOST:  “Our memory verse in reminded us of man named Isaiah who heard the voice of God, and who boldly stepped out in faith into the unknown.  ‘Here I am.  Send me!’ 

HOST:  “Now the unknown can seem a little scary.  In fact, a lot of moms and dads feel that way right now.  As schools close their doors for a short time, so are businesses, big events, and yes, even many churches.  It’s a place many of us have never seen before.”

HOST:  “But do not be afraid.  In fact, that same man Isaiah from the Bible?  He also wrote these words from God, words that no doubt encouraged himself, and will hopefully encourage you today.”

HOST: “He said, ‘So do not be afraid.  I am with you.  Do not be terrified.  I am your God.  I will make you strong and help you.  I will hold you safe in my hands.  I always do what is right.”

HOST:  “Did you hear that?  God is with us.  And because of that, we don’t have to be afraid.  He has put our leaders in place to help us, and we’re following their very good advice about washing our hands, catching our coughs, or even staying at home for a short time until all this passes over.”

HOST:  “But don’t forget that even at home, God is with you.  He has promised to never leave you or forsake you.  Jesus said he will be with you until the very end.  And because we know that, we know He will make us strong, and He will help us.”

HOST:  “We’re heading some place a little new and certainly a whole lot different.  And you know something?  We’re all here together:  Moms, Dads, your friends, your teachers, and everyone you know at church – all of us.  We’re all stepping out in faith together, walking into the unknown.”

HOST:  “But you know who else is alongside us?  God Himself.  And when we know that, we know we are held safe in His hands.” 

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