We had KidPak in the morning, part four of our Trailblazers series. We were talking about Tall Tales and Pecos Bill - it was a good message for the kids. In fact, I think I'll share it here:
You may have heard some pretty wild tall tales about Pecos Bill and other
rip roarin' cowboy legends. Seriously, can you imagine someone roping a
twister? That's just plum crazy! But as great as some of these old stories
are, there are some even more amazing ones that date back many, many
years before. The best part of all is that they're all true, every single one of
them! Why, if you want to see the greatest, wildest stories ever told, look no
further than inside your Bibles, where you'll read about a guy named Moses.
This guy was a legend! If you told Moses there was a snake in his boots,
he wouldn't even flinch! That's because he knew that the Great I Am was right
there with him through thick and thin, always leading, always guiding his
people along. There was this one time - and just because God said so -
Moses reached down and picked up a snake sure enough. And right in front
of everyone, that slithery creature turned into a great big staff for Moses to
carry around with him. You see, Moses knew something that you need to
pick up on as well: God is your Partner, through and through. True story!
Later on, when Moses was leading those Israelites around the desert
without anything to eat, God did something so amazing you'd think I was
telling you a tall tale. He actually made it rain manna down from the heavens.
That's right - food fell down from the sky. He even sent rolling by one huge
covey of quail that was pretty tasty! The point is, God is our Provider, plain
and simple. When you're feeling needy, we reckon the best thing to do is
trust Him, sure as anything.
But hold on to your hats! This last story here just might beat them all.
You see, the Israelites were cornered with Pharaoh's posse chasing them
down something fierce. But here's where things got downright crazy. In one
of the most amazing miracles of them all, God made a path of dry land right
in the middle of that Red Sea, making a way for all His people to escape. You
should have seen that stampede! God was and is our Protector, making a
way when there doesn't even seem to be a way!
Reading about Moses makes it pretty plain as day: you don't have to be
scared of nothing! God will take care of you. He is your Partner, your
Provider, and your Protection. He's done so many amazing things in the past,
and there's nothing that says He won't do it again. And that, my friends, is no
tall tale!
The message went well, as did the skit and the whole morning. Daddy got to voiceover a great cartoon that Josh made, and the day was a great success. It was a great trip to the west, as characters gathered around the fake campfire and told jokes and stories.
We got home as we usually do, but there was no time for rest. Not that much, anyway. We recorded Madison playing her piano practice for Mrs. Pam - this is something we'll be doing weekly now. And then we got into our costumes!

Here we are, off again on another adventure! Madison and Daddy loaded up in the car, and drove down to Suwanee, where the Gwinnett KidPak was having a great Fall Festival for the kids. Of course, it was another chance to get into costumes, so that we did. Daddy once again wore his David S. Pumpkins costume, which went up to around $150 on various auction sites online. It's really hard to come by, so much so that there are DIY sites that show you how to make your own David S. Pumpkins costume. Daddy was really blessed to simply go to Lakeshore Mall here and grab one (of three) before everyone started to get the idea of what they wanted to be for Halloween. It's a great costume - Daddy will have worn it four times before the season is over - it is so worth it!
And as for Madison, she got to wear her Mal costume. Last year, this costume was the number one requested costume - everyone had to have this one.
Madison is dressed as Mal from "Descendants," and looking pretty good! She was also pretty comfortable in this costume, going up and down slides, and even some more Zorb ball soccer!
It was a fun evening down in Gwinnett. We left around 7:00 pm, and got home in time for bed. We're reading "George's Marvelous Medicine," and it seems to have Dahl's wicked sense of humor on full tilt. The three of us are enjoying it… marvelously.
After prayers and devotional time, Mommy and Daddy sat down to watch a movie. We've been hankering to return to Edward Scissorhands, so that's where we went. What a trip backwards in time for Daddy, and what an enjoyable movie. These were Tim Burton's most amazing years, although we've enjoyed other movies he's made since then. But Edward Scissorhands was such a landmark movie, and it is still enjoyable. And who can get Danny Elfman's soundtrack out of their head afterwards? Anyway, it was a perfect movie to before we get on to the real business of Halloween, which of course is tomorrow. It's been a nice season, this one has. A little warm, but still quite pleasant!
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