Thursday, November 20, 2014

Decorations of Pink

This is a sweet picture of Madison decorating her tree tonight - she just couldn't wait.  The three of us got the ornaments out, and together, we got one more tree decorated.  In Madison's eyes, this is the most important one.  The reason for that is because she finds a present under the tree each morning in December, a gift from the Elf on the Shelf, Jingle.  He should be arriving in a few weeks now, and we're anxious to see what kind of mischief he'll get into.  Maybe he'll be sweet this year - I don't know.

What I do know is that Madison's tree is now decorated, with Tinkerbell at the top, and all sorts of ornaments in between.  It looks nice up there on the bridge, which is the area just outside Madison's room.  We call it the bridge, which makes you think more of the command center of the Enterprise than anything else.

Daddy went to the library today, one of a few stops.  He picked up a Thanksgiving book for kids, and also dropped some other books back off again.  Not too much time to read lately, that's for sure.

We watched a new movie tonight - a new one for Madison, at least.  It was "The Santa Clause," which is one of our favorites.  Okay, so Madison really liked this one a lot.  So much so that we might be watching the sequel pretty soon.  We're big fans of the first two, and a few moments scattered throughout the third one.  One new development here in Gainesville is that they've built a Denny's downtown.  Of course, in "The Santa Clause," there's a Denny's.  We quote from this movie all the time - around the office, and at home.  It's not just Daddy and Mommy, but several others at the office as well.  So when we saw a Denny's was going to be built, we knew right away we'd have to go there for egg nog ("We're out."), or at least some chocolate milk ("We're out.").  Okay, plain milk's fine.

So that's strangely one thing we're looking forward to.  Not quite as much as looking forward to seeing Santa, or going to see the lights, but it's sort of a quirky kind of thing.  And of course, maybe the food will be good too.

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