Monday, November 10, 2014

Dancing Raisins

Tonight, we did one of the lab experiments for our kit - the one entitled, "Dancing Raisins."  This one involves a flask, 125 ml of water, 1 tbsp of vinegar, 1 tbsp of baking soda, and ten smaller raisins.  Once we put those ingredients together, Madison and Daddy watched with anticipation.  The bubbles poured upwards, and sure enough, some of the raisins came to life!

That pretty much sums up the excitement level for the day.  It was mundane as far as Mondays go - Madison and Daddy went off to ballet again, the same as always.  Madison was doing some new stretches in ballet which - as she called it - were "challenging."  She demonstrated at home for us, just to show how difficult these stretches were.  She was quite adamant about the level of difficulty, and despite Mommy's and Daddy's best attempts to do these same stretches, all of us failed miserably.  So much for our careers in the theater!

The weather is perfect outside, and the leaves are now not quite as numerous on the trees.  Last week was easily the peak week for viewing in this immediate area - the colors of the trees around here have been absolutely magnificent, the most beautiful we've seen in this area for some time.  It certainly made us a little more competitive with the Northeast.  In fact, I think we either matched the Northeast, or beat them this fall.  That's how vibrant these colors were.

Daddy went to the library to return books, and pick up some new gluten-free books.  Not that the books themselves were gluten free.  I imagine if you ate one, there might be some level of gluten in there.  No, these books were about gluten free recipes and diets.  Mommy is doing a bit of research, looking for new recipes and trying things out.  She's not been doing well lately, although we've had an intense ultra sound last week, and an extensive cardiovascular test tomorrow morning.  Mommy is not looking forward to that one in the least.  For one, it requires a fast of caffeine.  This, on the surface, sounds like it wouldn't be that much of a problem.  The challenge comes, however, when you realize that there is caffeine in tea.  That's right:  no tea for Mommy.

Needless to say, it's been a difficult day.  But kidding aside, she's uncomfortable again tonight.  This is an ongoing trend, one we've been praying about and hoping someone could shed some light on.  Hopefully test results will come back, and we'll get a clear diagnosis, and a path to recovery.  That's the hope.

With so much ballet and homework and piano work, it was difficult to squeeze anything else in after school.  Fortunately, we had the dancing raisins, right?

Daddy didn't bring up the California Raisins, but we probably should have.  Those guys are just plain cool. Can't wait to watch them in that upcoming Christmas special.  That's just around the corner!

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