Friday, October 13, 2023

Homecoming Game 2023

Maddie wanted to go to the Homecoming game tonight, and she met her friends there as well.  You can see a Bronco reaching the end zone above for the first touchdown, and below, you can see Maddie in the crowd, turning around to see if I was still there at the back of the bleachers.

Yes, I went too!  The rain had held off for a few hours, but right when it was time to go to the football field, it started up again, and pretty much didn't let up for the entire evening.  Not only that, it was cooler, so it was not ideal weather at all.  Regardless, we were there, and you can see Maddie above with her friends all wearing pink, as that was the theme of the day for school spirit.

I got a few snaps, so to speak, of the football game itself, although I had a huge umbrella in the other hand.  I didn't take as many pictures tonight, just because of the moisture.

Ah, and as mentioned, it was Homecoming weekend, so the king and queen and other court members were announced.  The rain let up just enough so they could at least do the ceremony of announcing who each was, and of course who won over all.

It was a fun night overall.  We even squeezed in some time for "Loki" tonight, as a new episode just came out.  We were certainly ready for bed after that, with prayers and sleep.  Tomorrow is a looooong day!

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