Monday, October 2, 2023

Meadow's Chair

So we're back to the grind today, or at least Maddie was.  She was at school getting back into the rhythm of things.  I believe the biggest thing she has this week is a history test later on.  No surprises today for her, although it's October and there are events creeping up on us, like Homecoming.  She did do some work in her ceramics class on her fourth (I think) project, a mushroom-shaped earring holder.  Sounds like a neat idea!

Meanwhile at home we were doing all kinds of things.  I started out the day though with my first iFit workout on the new treadmill, a "Trick or Trot 3K" walk, which was super fun.  I loved the atmosphere, surrounded by fellow walkers and all of them dressed in costumes.  It was almost like being there.  This new treadmill is really nice, and I'm going to enjoy walking on it each morning.

Mom and I were out looking for things for the Christmas play already, which meant shopping at Hobby Lobby some, and a few other places too.  The Christmas decorations are already out there in a big way, and surprisingly they're all over at Lowe's too.  We were there for a replacement propane tank, which we picked up.  Also, we were there for paint - they didn't have what we needed with that.  But they did have all kinds of cool Halloween stuff, which I like to look through.  Not the gory stuff so much, but the Haunted Mansion theme stuff is great fun.

Anyway, we were doing a bit of outside work today because the weather has been very nice outside.  I got the fire pit area weeded and got new mulch down, so we're ready for a night there sometime soon.  

Maddie had taekwondo tonight, which went well for her.  She's getting ready for another testing coming up - that's in a week, believe it or not.  Yeah, in a week she'll have yet another testing as she moves forward towards that third degree black belt.  It's a ways off, but each step counts.  She's feeling a little behind with her form, but she'll work on it and catch up.  One fun thing coming up is a tricking seminar in November, one where a former student will teach - he currently works in Hollywood as a stunt person and has been in quite a few famous scenes.  He'll be with the students for their classes, and that should be fun.

We got home, and we had a quiet night tonight.  Maddie had some homework already, and I was watching one of my seasonal favorites, "The Muppets Haunted Mansion."  It's just so much fun.  Maddie was ready to watch something when that finished up, and as you can see here, so was Meadow the purple cow. 

This is Meadow's chair now!  Of course we went to another episode of Monk, the one with the game show.  After that, a bit of reading, and a it was time for prayers too.  It was a good day today!

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