Monday, October 30, 2023

Spider Birthday Greetings

Boy we've got a spider problem here, don't we?  Look what we found in our yard this morning!  This massive web was left with a special "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" message - just in time for tomorrow's spooky night.  Ye-Ye and Nana no doubt set all this up, and didn't say a word about it, leaving it as a complete surprise.  It was hilarious because we didn't spot it until pulling out the car out of the driveway and ... wait, what's that?  It's like Charlotte's Web, but creepier!

We another long day today - the revival service was tonight, but Mom was unable to go, and Maddie had her taekwondo.  I was stuffing bags for kid visitors though - we have a team from KidPak from all over, each working to make the kids have a little something extra for their visit.  Tomorrow we'll have to go into overdrive in that area, stuffing bags with candy and other items too.  But tonight when we got home, we watched the service online from our living room, streaming it live as it occurred.  Currently, it's supposed to go on until Wednesday night, and so yes, that includes a service on Halloween night, which of course is a direct challenge there.  But we plan on going to that one, that is if Mom feels okay.

Today was a lot of work with scheduling and play practice coordination and writing and creating graphics... and a trip to the funeral home.  The Georgia Department of Public Health actually needs a death certificate for itself, because apparently no one is alive there to do any work.  We've been waiting for months now for this certificate, and so we went to the funeral home today and called the Georgia Department of Public Health, which as a reminder, is pathetic.  It's the embodiment of bureaucracy and red tape and inefficiency.  We're supposed to wait another ten days for this one document that's been holding up everything because everything else is bound by bureaucracy and red tape too.  At least we got to see Binx the black cat while we were there at the funeral home.  He's the resident cat, and Mom was cheered up at the sight of him.

We got to bed on time tonight, and we're tearing through this book "A Hat Full of Stars," and enjoying that.  We said our prayers, and that was pretty much it for today.  It'll be a busy week though!

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