Saturday, September 2, 2023

Pottery and Carolina Point

Mom and I went up to Sautee Nacoochee again for the Pottery Festival, and this time we invited Nana and Ye-Ye to come along with us for a really pleasant morning/early afternoon!

The local musicians here were fantastic, a group of volunteers that just came to jam with various Appalachian instruments on stage, and so we sat there under the shade of the Tree of Peace, eating some really good barbecue as we enjoyed beautiful weather and some really great music.

As for the pottery, it was really special.  This is a unique region with so many potters that have kept the traditional methods and styles alive.  Many potters were here to display their works, and of course offer them for sale.  Nana and Ye-Ye bought a few, and meanwhile Mom and I got a few other items that I was waiting a year to get when I returned to a booth to pick up some shaving cream later that went by the name of "Sherlock Holmes' Study."  

And look who we ran into at the pottery festival!  Pretty cool!  It was nice to see them and hang around in the display area.  Nana and Ye-Ye got to see the museum there, something we visited a few years ago.  It's right there, and it's free on this particular day.

There's a new facility there being built and they're going to have classes teaching the traditional methods of the potters.  They gathered everyone together to let us all know the future plans, as you can see above, and it's actually pretty awesome.  I've sort of had it in my mind to make my own version of an "ugly pot!"

And meanwhile, Maddie was HERE!

Carolina Point is the camp she was at last year, and this year she returned with FCY where the weather was just amazingly perfect.  Below are some pictures, many taken by Maddie and some of Maddie.  But first, here are her notes for the second day at Carolina Point:

Day 2-
Woke up around 6:50
Hung out with manny during free time before breakfast (tetherball)
Sat with manny, Chloe was too slow to get to us
Biscuit, sausage, egg, hot sauce breakfast
Service, pastor Hamilton
Small groups on saw mill balcony, didn’t know where our small group was at first
Watched volleyball
Chicken and Fries lunch
Wheel of Punishment
Tribe wars, mambas (my team) won
Pool with manny Chloe and Lilia, walked around, bracelet making (proverbs, psalms, Lilia, one for Fabiana), bought a shirt, cream soda, tried to find Chloe so he’d say hi to manny, pool game with Manny
Early get in for dinner
Italian dinner
Pastor Aaron preached
Went into the pool (fully clothed) and hung out with Manny
Dead legged Chloe and recorded it
Asleep by like 12:00-12:30

And as we close out the day, here are a lot of pictures of what was an unforgettable day at Carolina Point:

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