Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Yearbook Staff

Madison got a perfect score on her test about the oceans today, and as great as that news is, the more exciting news is that she was accepted to be a part of the yearbook staff for next year!  This of course comes from a long family heritage of... oh, who am I kidding?  I was on the yearbook staff in high school, and that's about it for my experience.  But she's starting much earlier, and the great thing about this story is that we didn't push her into this.  She actually did this on her own and told us about it afterwards, and of course we're all on board with it.  You go, girl!

Tomorrow is the Dodgeball tournament, and Madison is very excited about this.  She's admitted to being somewhat of a "tomboy," and we told her that was just fine.  We happen to think she's perfectly balanced, between all this physical activity, and still liking all the "girl" stuff.  She still likes to dress up and be fashionable, and at the same time she does taekwondo as well.  She's also a self-proclaimed nerd, which again there's nothing wrong with.  I think this gives her an advantage in some ways, but just because you're into geeky things does not mean you can't be a princess too.

It was a work day, and a busy one.  We're all about Blind Bartimaeus this week, and as a result our KidPak service had a few illustrations about learning to see with faith, and how our eyes can trick us. That being said, we were showing a few of our favorite optical illusions, including that one where you stare at that one point on the screen for thirty seconds and when you close your eyes afterwards, you can see the face of Jesus.  That's always a good one for the kids, who react pretty loudly.  Also included are these optical illusions, which are pretty amazing.  Both are stationary, and yet look as if they are moving:

We spent the afternoon watching episodes of "Bunk'd," and drinking Mommy's infused water.  She put oranges and mint in the water, and it is just delicious and refreshing.  It's very popular at the office!

It was a good day, one where we got a lot done planning out Summer Xtreme - or at least dealing with the various destinations.  Each one presents a challenge, as there has been some misleading information out there, and obstacles to overcome.  But we're doing it, one step at a time, and everything will be fine.  It's going to be a great week.

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