Saturday, May 11, 2019

Grand Piano

Here's a photo of Madison's tonight, just before her piano recital.  We were at a nearby church, one that had set up a grand piano on stage, and it was Madison's first time playing on one of those.  She liked it very much - and she did a great job playing "Stitches."  Back in December, she was going to play that at the December recital, but she got sick and we had to back out.  So it was nice to see her get a second crack at things.  Again, she did well, as did all the other kids that were performing tonight.  Here's the group:

It was about a half-hour long, a presentation of children with different levels of talent and experience, and all of them did really well.  The parents in the auditorium were there with the cameras and the recording devices, and everyone applauded loudly after each performance.

Afterwards, there was a little reception with finger snacks, mostly cookies and sweets.  We mingled with the other families, congratulating all the performers, and posing for a few more pictures.  Above, you can see Madison with a boy named Sam, who was in Madison's first classes with Mrs. Pam years ago.  They've stuck with it, and both did really well tonight!

As promised, if Madison played a certain amount of times for practice, she got a copy of "Wheel of Fortune" for the Switch, and that's what she was anxious to play tonight.  Mommy, Daddy and Madison all sat down tonight to play several games of "Wheel of Fortune," and had a great time working together to solve the various puzzles.  

We were doing a lot earlier today, working in the yard with more weeding and mulch.  A little bit at a time...!  Madison was practicing, of course, and Mommy was working on the basement some as well. Daddy was out getting together a few items for Mother's Day - can you believe that is tomorrow?  We'll show you what we put together for Mommy soon.

In the meantime, it's time for bed right now.  We'll head upstairs, play hide-and-seek, read from the devotional, read from "Neverland," and say our prayers - and of course there are the zerberts.  It was a good day though, and Madison played very well.  We're so very incredibly proud of her, and yes we did film it.  We might share that here soon enough - it was a very nice performance!

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