Friday, May 10, 2019

Season Six

We were back in the guest bedroom tonight, all three of us on the bed there, munching popcorn and there for the season premiere of essentially the only show we watch on live television, as it is released.  That's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."  We're at the beginning of season six, and it's something the girls have been looking forward to so much that we have it on our little calendar there as if it is some sort of big time event.  We enjoyed it, although it is more of an episode designed to set things up - some of the things we saw in this episode we saw on trailers, and pretty much knew what was going to happen.  Still, it's great to see our old friends on the television again.  At least there's one show that Madison watches as it comes out.

She had a good day at school today, doing a lot of stuff outside, actually.  They were playing all kinds of games like "silent ball," which is something she's been doing for some time.  She likes that one.  Inside, there was review for a big math test coming up, and there's also a Latin American test coming up.  But things are clearly winding down, and there's an energy in the school as there are only a few more weeks left.  It's hard to believe, which of course is something we say at the end of each year.  Can you believe there's only a few weeks left of this grade or that?  Savor it as it flies by.

Mommy and Daddy were savoring a little of the nice weather outside, sitting on the front porch, sharing a tea this morning.  A big line of storms would come later on in the evening, and it would do some damage up in White County, unbeknownst to us.  It was just loud here tonight with the thunder and heavy rains.  But all day long, you had a sense that something was coming.

Madison is still practicing her piano, practicing "Stitches" for the squillionth time.  On one hand, you sort of wish it would be something else that was played.  On the other hand, yes, savor this moment that you have a talented sixth grader practicing piano in the house.  She's doing well with that, as she is all other things.

Last night - and tonight - we were doing a new devotional, one based on the Prayer of Jabez.  It's something we'll start praying more often, but this is a great introduction to what the Prayer of Jabez is all about.  It's so simple, but it's good because Madison had never heard of Jabez and so this is a great little Bible study.

Mommy did a lot of work today in the basement, cleaning things out.  We've also been getting the front yard looking nicer, with edging and mulch, and a whole lot of weeding.  These green briars or saw briars or evil little thorny monsters are still found here or there, but we're winning the war, one battle at a time.

We read from Neverland tonight, and that story is starting to wrap up, the fifth (eighth if you include the shorter books) and final book of the series.  We'll be leaving Neverland soon, but it's been a wonderful place to visit each night before bedtime.

Storms raged throughout the night, but never was there a tornado warning or those severe cracks of thunder that make you jump.  It's a rainy night in Georgia, which is something a little more common lately.  But so long as there's no flooding, that's just fine with us.

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