Friday, May 24, 2019

Last Day of Sixth Grade

And so just like that sixth grade is over with.  Madison came home, triumphant, although a bit banged up from test grades this week that she didn't do so well on.  Regardless of the hits she took, the end result was a stellar report card with all A's.  The math test she took this week was pretty rough, but the other test results were posted recently, the Milestones tests.  And those grades Madison got were all "distinguished."  If you look that word up, it means "successful, authoritative, and commanding great respect."  So yes, she did pretty well on those.  And this makes sense, given all the stress placed on those particular tests.  Meanwhile, these finals at the very last week - these were heavy grades, and yet they were placed amongst events like field trips, end of the year parties, and yearbook days.  So yeah, I'm sure the focus of these kids was significantly less.   Again, Madison's grade point average could take a pretty strong hit.  And with math, that was a pretty strong hit.  It was a torpedo that dropped her total average a few points.  But again, her average was so high to begin with that it withstood the assault.  She's got all A's this year again.

She had a great day, although a pretty loose one.  Nothing gets done on these days, and I think there was a spectacular amount of nothing done on this one.  We did things normally in the morning, praying and taking her to school as always.  Madison played a lot of games, watched some things and didn't really do much today, according to her own words.  She said some goodbyes, and there was a bit of emotion there.  But with the online technology as it is, she's able to talk to certain people all the time, and in fact had the lap top out, speaking with friends later on.

We had spicy chicken wings tonight, a first for Madison.  It might become a new staple, because she really liked them a lot.  We had some hot sauce on the table, but she didn't need it, as these were pretty spicy.  We'll be visiting this food entree a few more times from this point on, I'm sure.

There was a Mario Party tonight, and of course another episode "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." that we all ran upstairs to watch.  Madison had the popcorn, and there we were watching the television again upstairs.  This season has been a bit more fun than previous ones, and we're only three episodes in.  Despite the loss of Agent Coulson, it's managed to work well.  We're enjoying it thus far.

Daddy went to the chiropractor for his sore neck today - ever since a fall a few weeks ago, things have been a bit rough on the neck and shoulders.  Also, Daddy dropped by the Australian bakery to pick up some Crunchy bars for Mommy.  She loves those.

We got some work done for Summer Xtreme too, but the day will always be remembered for the obvious:  hot wings.  No, I mean, the last day of sixth grade.  Here it comes and there it goes.  Suddenly, here we are at another summer break, and I honestly don't feel ready for it.  But ready for it or not, it's here, and so we'll do our best to catch up!

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