Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's Day

Our "Miracles" series continued today, and it was a great message about the lepers that Jesus healed, and the one leper, that came back to say "thank you."

It was a new skit that Daddy had written, again all in rhyme, and it worked out well because we actually had ten lepers to come out and act out the parts they were given.  In addition to that, we had a few paranoid citizens, who wanted to make sure they kept the lepers far away from them.  In the end, of course, we all learned that we ourselves should aways be the one to come back and say "thanks."

It was a solid morning at KidPak, and a great morning because many of the other kids were upstairs singing in our kids' choir, performing for Mother's Day.  In the spirit of the day, there were all kinds of wagons upstairs selling roses that you could pick and bundle together, making a nice gift for Mommy.

Here's Mommy with her roses that we picked, looking lovely as ever.  Both the roses and Mommy, of course.  We got Mommy another fun gift idea - a "trident-themed" Mother's Day:

We picked up "Aquaman," which we later watched tonight.  But we made a card that said, "There's only one who is worthy to hold the trident!"  Madison wrote some nice things in that, and we also got her some "Trident" gum.  But on top of that, and the tastiest part of all, we made her a trident out of her favorite Crunchy bars!  The plant you see there isn't seaweed, but rather lavender... just because.  Mommy likes lavender.

Anyway, we did a few Mother's Day things, including a visit to Daddy's mother, just down the road.  It happened that both Aunt Shain and Daddy could be there for Mother's Day, and it was a nice time together.

As you can see, some things never change.  Don't worry though, we did take a nicer, more reserved photo together.

It was nice though.  We had ice cream and sat together, talking and catching up.  Hannah and Jonathan also made it there, and we had a small family gathering for Mother's Day after church, which was nice.  

As mentioned earlier, we did watch "Aquaman" later on, and following that it was time for bed - that movie is slightly long!  We read a bit more - not from Neverland though.  Our characters have returned from Neverland, and now we're back in the Magic Kingdom.  We'll see what happens next, but the book is starting to wrap up.  It's been a better read at the tail end, moving along more briskly now.  But this is it for this series, and we'll be ready to move on to other things soon enough.

We said our prayers, and were off to bed rather quickly this time.  The weekend has a blur, a fast-paced blur that was quite tiring.  But it was fun, memorable, and very pleasant.

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