Thursday, May 2, 2019


You think you know someone!  Did you know that Madison could do this with her finger?  She can actually do this with multiple fingers, but we just didn't know that until recently.  Daddy actually found out today.  Just as a FYI, Daddy can do this with his middle and ring finger for some reason, but not the index finger.  No matter which finger you can do it with, it seems really weird, doesn't it?  Fingers aren't supposed to bed that way!

Today, Madison used her fingers - and her throwing arms and evasive maneuvers in the school's dodgeball tournament.  She had a blast.  She and her teammates named the team "Spitfire," and got to work hurling some heat!  Madison overheard some talking about how dangerous she was, and she apparently was a bit fearsome to some of the boys, who were actually pegged by her.  She was proud of one shot where she nailed a boy on the leg and got him out.  She had plenty of war stories to tell getting home, in fact.  Tomorrow, they go back at it again, continuing in the tournament.  Spitfire will return with a vengeance!

Daddy was working on this ad for this upcoming event, which you can see the details about above.  There are other ads with more details that I put in, but this one sort of sums up what we'll be doing in just a few short weeks.  It should be fun!

Daddy was also visiting a school today with the Wisenheimer invention.  This morning's tremendous skillet breakfast from Mommy was the fuel for the day - it was delicious!

Tonight we had taekwondo again, and Madison was first with her gear on again too.  She was having a great time sparring, her high kicks way up there as before.  But they were also good when she was on the ground.  The teacher called her out for her excellent style and form from the ground, using her as an example to follow for the rest of the class.  She's doing so good in that class!

On the way home, we stopped at Race Trac and got some taquitos and Cherry Coke too.  She loves Cherry Coke, and if she had a choice of any drink there, that would be it.  Afterwards, we did get home and Madison had some homework to do there, which she did for her academic math enrichment class, which rarely has anything to do with actual math.  I think they were writing about video game characters or something.  I'm not entirely sure why it is called "enrichment" or "math," but it's there and Madison seems to be doing well in it.  She also did piano tonight, practicing a bit before we all sat down to watch some shorts from "Gravity Falls."

Tonight we were reading again, and praying as well.  We said our goodnights, and accused each other of stinking up the place with poots.  You know... the usual...

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