Thursday, May 9, 2019

Quilt of Many Colors

This nice weaving is called "Quilt of Many Colors," something Madison was working on in art class.  She was told to name it, and she wasn't quite sure what to name it until the Dolly Parton idea sprung to her mind.  Her teacher liked this piece so much that it was submitted in the art show at the school.  Mommy and Daddy came by the school to see it, which is how I got the picture above.  It turned out well!  Many of the art projects turned out well, and you can see where and what Madison will be doing in the coming years at the school.

It was a busy day today, with Daddy visiting a few schools to bring KidPak there.  The first was Hebron Christian Academy, earlier in the morning.  We had a great service there.  Then after that, lately our Thursday afternoons have been a time to visit the McEver Elementary School across the street from the church, where we do things there as well.

The funny thing today was the third school visit - Madison's school.  By day's end, I was done with schools.

Madison had a "tedious" day, in her own words.  It was a "A&I Fair," which involved a lot of student presentations, as well as visits from different local people representing various careers.  She enjoyed it, but I suspect she'd rather be going to regular classes, which she loves.  Particularly missed were art and PE!

Tonight was taekwondo, which was fun for all of us.  Madison was doing so well with her kick combo followed by a few punches, and putting into action on one unfortunate boy.  She was a bit more evenly matched with a few others, including a girl that has a higher belt ranking that Madison is frequently matched up with.  One of the boys that went up against her missed so badly that he came down to the ground, and was slow to get up.  Madison is great at being evasive.  The last boy...

...Madison still had quite a bit of energy left in the tank, and sort of went into berserker mode on him. Not intentionally or anything, but he was a more slower-paced sparring partner, and she was sort of in a higher gear at that moment.  She was fairly relentless!

The weather outside poured rain during our sparring.  The front we'd been watching all day finally came through about that time, and the skies grew dark and gloomy.  So here we are with the rain again.  And that's okay - rain is nice.

We read tonight from Neverland, but also from a new devotional about the Prayer of Jabez.  It was something we prayed together tonight, in addition to our regular prayers.  It was a nice day overall, a little bit of busy traveling, but it was a good one for all of us.


One more note.  We were sitting in the bedroom tonight, Mommy and Daddy, watching something before going to bed.  Madison came in about an hour after bedtime, greeting us, and looking around a bit wildly, although more in slow motion.  We greeted her back, and asked her if she was ready for bed, fully aware that she was sleepwalking!  Daddy escorted her back into bed, and tucked her in all over again wishing her a goodnight.  She said goodnight, pretty much having a conversation with us all the while - in her sleep!

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