Friday, May 3, 2019

Dodgeball Rookie of the Year

Madison finished the dodgeball tournament today, and she was a part of one a winning team this morning, getting another victory this morning - but ultimately falling short of the supreme championship.  She didn't care - she loved it!  Dodgeball is so much fun to her.  You bring it up, and she keeps on going and going about it, telling all the war stories of intense combat on the court.  It might be a good idea to get her a dodgeball to practice with this summer!

Mommy and Daddy were meanwhile entertaining a visiting church from Pigeon Forge, saying goodbye to Bob the LEGO guy for a few months.  He'll be back after their summer camp - we're letting them borrow it just for a short time, and helping out their camp.

This afternoon, Madison had to put the pedal to the metal with the piano practice, as she has a little over a week on her recital piece.  Daddy made a contract with her to play a certain amount of times in a week, this with a little reward.  She's really wanting this "Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune" game for the Nintendo Switch, above all others.  It might be because she watches this stuff when she's on vacation in Florida - I don't know.  But anyway, that's the deal:  we'll get those games for her if she plays a certain amount of times, and suddenly, she's off and running.

Tonight we finally watched "Into the Spider-Verse," with Mommy seeing it for the first time.  It is such a well-made movie, and still so impressive.  Hilarious though, we found a blu ray secret Easter egg, one that I don't know exactly how I found or how to find it again - but it plays a few of the scenes of the movie, only with various characters passing gas loudly.  Yes, we had fine high quality entertainment tonight!  The Spider-Ham video was funny too, of course.  That's become a very popular character of late, almost like Howard the Duck was for us some time ago.  Speaking of which, Howard the Duck has an appearance in "Endgame," we just learned.  That's hilarious!

We read tonight, and prayed as well.  Everyone's a bit tired, but we're healthy.  There are a lot of various viruses going on out there, and a lot of people we know have come down with different ailments, some requiring visits to medical centers.  We've been blessed thus far, very much so.

Daddy is spending his time writing the third day of the SX19 scripts, and those are coming along well suddenly, a bit of second wind coming in.  Sometimes these scripts are just there, waiting to be unearthed.  Of course, a lot of the jokes are inspired from various television shows - but the structure of the week's skits is what is already there.  It just has to be unearthed.  It's a weird thing, writing.  You just sort of write and write, and eventually you begin to build something that takes a shape that was there all along.

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