Sunday, May 19, 2019

The Bird is the Word

This morning, Madison did really well with her speaking part at church.  We were telling the story of Peter and his denial of Jesus.  Madison was the servant girl that approached Peter, recognizing him as having been with Jesus.  Of course, Peter denies it, and just as Jesus told him, the rooster would crow twice after Peter denied him three times.  In our skit... the rooster was a little different...

We had a chicken costume!  We were playing that song, "The Bird is the Word" each time the chicken came out and danced all around Peter.  Of course, the whole point was that the chicken - or rooster - symbolized condemnation and guilt.  For the rest of his life, whenever Peter heard a rooster, he had to think of his own epic failure.

But Jesus came back, and asked for him specifically.  And there was forgiveness for Peter - and us.  And the next time that chicken came out to taunt and mock Peter, in the skit, well let's just say things didn't go as well for that chicken.

It was a great morning at KidPak, followed by our final "Acting Up" class of the season.  We had a few lesson plans put out, and we hosted the class down at the Gwinnett campus this time, which you can see here.

It went well.  We were talking about how each of us performs before "and audience of One," and how acting is so much a team effort.  We had a few illustrations and activities to help break things up and make them more fun, but I think we got the point across rather well.  It was nice down there!

We got home, and sort of coasted out the rest of the day.  Madison was studying for her math test tomorrow, and we were doing a bit of writing, and some eating too.  Mommy has been making this loaded potato soup lately that's been super delicious.  We rewatched a few episodes of "Gravity Falls," and after that continued our Star Wars book.  It's starting to pick up a bit, as our main characters have picked up a few hitchhikers.  We'll see what happens next.

We also read from our latest devotional, and we're almost done with that one.  We said our prayers, and were off to bed rather early tonight.  We're all a bit tired, and a decent night's rest will do us a lot of good!

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