Monday, August 26, 2024


Monday.  Maddie wasn't at taekwondo tonight, basically calling in sick - although it might not really be "sick" but instead "allergies."  Maddie's allergies flare up from time to time, and of course they're seasonal.  We mentioned feeling a bit of fall lately, and this is one of the signs of fall is sniffling and sneezing.  Maddie has forgotten to take some of her medication in the morning a few consecutive mornings, and it sort of adds up to a text I got this afternoon about not going to taekwondo.  And that's okay, of course.  She'll be more focused on taking her medication through this week, of course, as she wants to be well for her adventures at camp upcoming. 

Of course, we're talking about Fall being here, but nobody told Summer that.  I think we're about to experience what is called Second Summer, but this time another period of brutal temperatures that we're sort of getting used to now.  Mid-nineties are coming back.  Yikes.  We still spent our time on the porch, and that's been fun lately, just relaxing in the cool of the day, sipping delicious coffee and doing our devotional time there - I've been in the book of Psalms lately, and still using AI to make music to the lyrics of the Psalms.  It's been such a fun project.  I still want to turn one into a ranchero band song, plus a Disney musical one, and a 1940's big band one, and Mom has suggested one with a harpsichord.  That's been a fun side project, but the real value is spending time learning about each Psalm, the story behind the writing and of course all the rest:  the prophetic and the application - all that.  

Tonight, Maddie was studying for a calculus test, but we also had a little time for games.  We were on Endor and Jakku, but not really with Donkey Kong Island that much.  The game is getting a bit frustrating.  More fun is the time spent with Banjo and Kazooie.  I've got the expansion for the Nintendo Switch, which basically means I've been playing this game again.  I did the entire game back last century... so it's been a while... and it's certainly dated.  But it's been fun seeing it again.  I was hoping to get to the haunted  house level!

We finished up our "Men in Black" series tonight with a viewing of "Men in Black III," which is solid wrap-up of those movies.  We enjoy all three of them, and yeah, they've become perennial favorites.  We started these movies a little early this season, but that's okay.  We wanted to watch them early!

The Kingdom Keepers continue on with our night time reading.  We read a couple chapters of that tonight before bed, and that's just been pleasant to return to.  So far we've seen a Disney CEO who has a mind controlled by outside evil forces, and that actually sounds sort of like real-life, doesn't it?  Hopefully the Kingdom Keepers will be able to topple the villains in this story.  It's just a refreshing thing, dipping back into this series.  We're really enjoying it.  

We said our prayers tonight before bed, and that was pretty much it.  Time for sleep!

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