Sunday, August 18, 2024


Early this evening, we went to go see Cirque du Soleil again, and this time in an arena!  In fact, this was at the Gwinnett Arena where we just had the Forward Conference.  It was our first time watching Cirque in an arena, as we typically see it at the Grand Chapiteau, the big tent.  We were curious how it would turn out versus the tent, but it was actually pretty awesome!  We saw "Corteo" some time ago in the tent, but it's been a while - it must have been before we met Maddie, actually.  We were glad to see it again!

It was a great night!  It's not that far away, so that made the deal sweeter.  We enjoyed the night together a good bit!

This morning was Sunday morning, of course, which meant another KidPak service.  We were continuing the "Toy Box" series, and that was a lot with all the characters.  The kids were really excited to meet the characters afterwards, posing for pictures with the group.  Maddie was on hand to take pictures this morning as "KidPak photographer," and she did really well as always.

You've got  Friend in Me - the matching game!

"You've got a Friend in Me"  - man's best friend came to visit today!

Oh, and it was Megan's birthday today!

It was a nice day today!  We had a great meal at lunch with a rotisserie chicken.  After the Cirque performance, we got home to watch some episodes of "Suite Life," part of our recent marathon.  But it was really just a lot of chilling tonight after the big day.  

We closed things out with reading, prayers, and a good night's rest.

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