Monday, August 19, 2024

Polaroids and Force Ghosts

Monday, and another hot one in August, although the temperature is coming down somewhat from the super intense heat we've been enduring the past few months.  The rainstorms are supposed to take a backseat again.  Tonight was taekwondo, the longer Monday schedule with leadership, black belt class, and a special extra bit of teaching.  Maddie gets a lot of education there on Monday night, and of course at school too - I picked her up early again, and that has been great.  Maddie did well with an outline for one of her papers, and got a perfect score for a summative grade.  She was pretty happy with that.  She's also working on this project that you'll see soon enough, one where she's making a polaroid camera and a bunch of polaroid pictures made of different famous people related the history of camera and film.  

Mom and I were out this morning at the chiropractor, and Maddie will be with us later on for the next appointment in September, on her day off.  Mom and I had a date at Outback after that, although the one in Cumming isn't as good as the one in Gainesville.  Still, we enjoyed our time together, and then actually went shopping a bit after that.  Can I go ahead and say Christmas shopping?  

It was a decent day.  I was super tired this afternoon, so I was resting in the lounge chair there.  Maddie helped out by putting four blankets over me, and possibly some pillows too.  Still, I fell asleep and got a good power nap in there.

I had a huge patriotic cloth sarcophagus to rest in peace!

Moving on, tonight we were reading from that short story book, and I think we have just about a week left of this one.  We were reading about Force Ghosts, at least Anakin and Obi Wan and Yoda at the end of "Return of the Jedi."  No word on why Qui Gonn isn't there, or why any of the other jedi can't show up.  I mean, Anakin didn't have any training with Force Ghost stuff, so I think it's safe to assume we should see a Plo Koon For Ghost, right?

Anyway, we read.  Yeah.  And after that, we said our prayers, and the whole Plush Entourage went back down the hall again, ready for a good night's sleep.

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