Friday, August 9, 2024

End of the First Week of Senior Year

 It was another quiet day today, a Friday, and the closing of the first full week of Maddie's senior year.  She was doing some visual arts work today and showing me photos of her creations taken by her phone.  Her math sounds fairly routine and ... well, with some classes getting information is like pulling teeth.  But she seems to be enjoying things thus far.  She's with friends and things are going well.  We picked her up from high school at 2:50 or so - she can get out early, and we take advantage of that on certain days because it gets us out of having to wait in the big car line.  This is one thing I didn't anticipate last year, that last year would be the last year I'd be waiting in that long car line.  How many years have we done that?  The number is easy to calculate - it was a rhetorical question.  Now we just text her and tell her that we're on the way and she meets us at the front of the high school, where yes, you guessed it, there are already people lined up in that monster car line.  How great to avoid all that.

We had taekwondo tonight, and it was the longer class.  We were decorating the stage at KidPak, so I was over at Goodwill while Maddie was kicking people.  I was picking up oversized stuffed toys to put on our stage as enhancements, but of course looked through the books and records while there.  Not much vinyl, but I did spot a few hardcover books.

Maddie had a good time at taekwondo, hanging out with her friends and working towards her next belt.  The new season is really getting started here, and we were talking about all the things to come, including a possible competition in January.  In the meantime, there's a lot of training to do.  At the very least, there are performances coming up in December for certain.

Earlier today, Mom and I were at the office for quite some time, prepping for the new series on Sunday.  Life goes on.  We were on the front porch with our reading and enjoying coffee this morning, watching the hummingbirds come in, and getting a visit from the neighborhood cat.  It's a pleasant morning ritual, and of course I hit the treadmill after that.  We had some issues with the software on the treadmill, but I think that got all worked out.  This morning I was at Old Faithful again.  That seems like so long ago when I was there last, so long ago.  

We got home and once again we were watching the Olympics.  We were watching the diving competition, and then back to track and field.  The relays were fun, certainly great to see the women's team do well.  The men's team seem to be under some sort of relay curse now, with something like twenty years of failure.  The day that curse is broken will be a huge moment, no matter the medal.  There will be great relief and rejoicing, and perhaps it will be in front of a home crowd the next Olympics.  For now, we have a failure in the passing again, and a disqualification, and another four years of asking tough questions about why we can't just pass the baton?  Surely there's a metaphor here.  Regardless, no medal for the men again.  We console ourselves with gold medals for our women's relay team, and the men's hurdling competition too.

One more note:  "Breaking" is now an Olympic sport.  Yes, that's breakdancing.  I have no idea how this happened.  I mean, consider that baseball and softball are no longer Olympic sports.  Actual games like cricket, lacrosse and bowling are not in the Olympics.  But breakdancing is an Olympic sport.  Someone needs to fix this.  That's all.

Okay, tonight we closed with reading and prayers of course.  We're reading about a stormtrooper and his journal as he is stationed aboard the second Death Star.  It's actually been a good one, although we didn't finish it yet.  We'll wrap that one up tomorrow.  Obviously, things don't end well for that station, so we'll see...!

After that, prayers and tucking in everyone.  It was a good day today though.  We'll have a little sleep-in tomorrow, although there's practice at Team Edge in the morning.  We'll have a relaxing day tomorrow, perhaps with a little setting up for Toy Box on Sunday.  But that's tomorrow.  Tonight... let's get some rest!

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