Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Second Summer's Here

Maddie was at FCY tonight which in itself wasn't unusual.  But it's the last FCY before Camp FCY, so it was a big night.  The kids were there united in worship, and for Maddie, that was quite a long time standing up - but she was glad she went of course.  She's very much looking forward to Camp FCY, which is just a few days away now.  

Mom and I were watching the Opening Ceremonies of the Paralympics.  It was a very movie ceremony with really nice performances.  It was actually better  in our opinion than the actual Olympic Opening Ceremonies, but that might have been a given.  The athletes are so inspiring, and we're looking forward to watching some of these games.  We have access on a streaming channel, and we love watching these games, and we'll still cheer for USA of course, but of course we're always cheering for all of the athletes.

It's been a good day today.  But hot.  Yeah, it's hot.  Our KidPak office is notoriously cold though, to the point that we're walking through the parking lot when it's ninety-something degrees, and we're wearing sweatshirts and hoodies.  And sure, we're hot.  But soon we're in the office, and we're just barely keeping warm enough.  Seriously, we go outside after a full day into the office, and we're wearing sweatshirts and hoodies, and we feel great.  We walk to the car, get in, and don't even turn on the air conditioning.  Added to our cavernous depths the atmospheric drip, drip, drip from the condensation of pipes above.  Yes, we've got some leaks.  The building is showing a bit of its age!

We did watch some television tonight, a brief refresher on the "Rings of Power" series that we'll be watching season 2 of.  I've completely forgotten about season one, so this was a good little reminder of the events that happened.  And the events that lead up to the whole "Lord of the Rings" movies.  We may wind up watching all that soon enough.  Hopefully we can see some talking trees!

But Maddie had homework, and that's good.  She was invested in that, and then listening to the next few chapters of our adventures with the Kingdom Keepers.  Finn and his son Eli know how a prisoner escaped, but it's so far-fetched that no one but a Kingdom Keeper would believe it.  Is Maleficent back?  What will happen next?  It's been fun going back to this series, or going to the future with the series, actually.  it takes place several years from now.  We'll see if things turn out the same as they're written.  That's the funny thing about fiction - people complain about the movie "Pocahontas" because of the fictitious relationship between Pocahontas and John Smith.  And yet no one has a problem with talking trees!

See what I did there with the talking trees?  Anyway, we said our prayers tonight, and then it was time for sleep.  It's been a good day.  I was walking in Banff National Park this morning, at least on my iFit.  I just wanted to type the word "Banff" out.  It sounds like a word you'd see in a comic book when a character suddenly appears in front of you:  "BANFF!"  

Regardless, it's a beautiful park, and a great walk.  I'm getting faster again.  I was off a bit, still walking but not quite running.  But I feel great again in that direction.  Hopefully we can get the pace up and going.  I hear there'll be a 5k at Lighthouse Point in Eleuthera, and that might be fun!

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