Friday, August 16, 2024

Football and Rain

Tonight was East Forsyth's first football game of the season, and they were taking on a nearby rival, Central Forsyth.  Perhaps because it was the first game or maybe it was the proximity of the rival school, the place was packed.  There were a lot of people there.  I dropped Maddie off, and she met with her friend Maddie, who attends the other schools.  They were there for the socializing and the fun, not as die-hard football fans ravenous for a victory.  And so, they were having a good time.  And then... there was a shift in the atmosphere.  We're not talking about the game itself, which seemed fairly one-sided in East Forsyth's favor.  No, we're talking about the weather.

We texted Maddie about the oncoming front, and she told us she'd let us know if she would need to leave. Regardless, I drove over there... and what a mess!  The police weren't letting anyone in the front entrances, so I made my way around the opposite side of the school, got out with a few umbrellas, and battled a ferocious wind and rainstorm to walk all the way around the school to the football stadium.  I don't think I've ever had that much wind in my face outside of a beach.  The rain made it feel as if we just dove into a swimming pool - we were soaked, even with the umbrellas.  I met up with Maddie and Maddie over at the stadium, and the walk back wasn't quite as bad, but the damage was done.  The football game was postponed and we were soaked.  And it was fun.  The girls had a great time tonight, and in fact the rain may have enhanced their evening quite a bit.  I know they won't ever forget it.  We got back home and dried out, getting changed and then later the girls were regaling us with the epic stories of ominous winds, evacuating band members, and the sudden torrential rainfall.

It was a memorable event, of course.  There were so many football games postponed tonight due to the huge front that came down from the north.  It rained for hours tonight, and that was it for Friday Night Lights Out, so to speak.  

It was a fun day today, of course.  Maddie had this rally she went to this afternoon at the school, which are always fun.  She snapped a few photos while there.

Tonight we had taekwondo, and the new taco restaurant opened next door, or at least in the same building complex.  It literally opened as Maddie's class was starting, and it was opening for the first time.  I was customer number five, or cinco, if you want to go there.  I mean, customer #5 total in this taco restaurant's entire store history.  I am very proud of this.  Or orgulloso, if you want to go there.  The food was actually really good.  So yes, we'll be back.  Maddie wants to go.

This morning I was walking in the Black Canyon of the Gunnison, which is why I got this treadmill.  Obscure trails that I remember from a long time ago are my jam!  Mom and I had our front porch time with coffee and scriptures and unfortunately mosquitos.  We're working on solutions for that, other than complete body coverage.  The rain has been enough to bring these little critters out, so we're wondering why the bats aren't doing their job right now.  So much free-flying food out there.  Eat 'em up, bats!

Anyway, tonight we watched a movie while Maddie was away, and when she got back we watched a few episodes of "Suite Life" before heading to bed, where there was reading, and prayers.  It was a good day today.  Fun... and wet.

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