Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Super Thumb

Maddie had FCY tonight, a nice night with Free Chapel Youth, one with friends and ...waffles!  She didn't eat a waffle tonight, but they serve waffles a good bit at youth, and it's a fun little extra.  Maddie invited her friend Maddie to come along, and also there were friends from taekwondo, so it made for a fun night together.

The night was good, a new series, and a sort of low-key event, as everyone is planning on another big event that is getting here really close:  Camp FCY.  Yeah, that's coming up.  We'll have to get busy on that.  Or at least busier than this...

Yes, this is a video of Super Thumb.  This represents Camille at the height of her most creative.  Or possibly most bored.  It was a funny little moment around lunch time, as we work hard towards "Toy Box."  We're busy putting it all together, including this nice little display Mom made in my office.

So it's hot out there.  Another heat wave, and we'll just call it "Heat Wave 2."  Hopefully it's much shorter than the last one.  The last one - and this one - are characterized by excessive heat, of course, but also very little rain.  This one may feature a rare chance at rain, where there was no chance at all with the last one.  I see the big beautiful summer clouds out there, and they offer a little hope for weary overheated souls like myself just wishing them to wander our way.  Sadly, not today.  Today it was just hot.  So we were inside a lot.  

We do start out our mornings on the front porch, and that's a nice ritual.  Mom makes me one of the Bones coffee flavors, and I still do love Frog's Breath.  There are other flavors as well, some Dark Side Truffle Chocolate, which is really rich.  We read a bit out there - I've been working through the book of Psalms and learning so much with this Perry Stone commentary.  Meanwhile, throughout the day I've been having fun posting the psalm "lyrics" into  AI song generator, and it's been doing a great job making songs out of these Psalms.  We may not know the actual melodies, but some of these new ones are super catchy.  The goal is to do all 150 Psalms, although some of them are pretty long!  It's been a fun project.  I'm not really doing them in order, but rather here or there, and I think I'm approaching the half-way point.

Tonight we were watching Olympics again, catching that amazing comeback on the men's 400m race, plus some pole vaulting and even a few synchronized swimming routines.  And there was the gold medal winner in wrestling, plus team cycling and men's steeplechase.  Now there's a weird race - they put puddles of water after hurdles along the track.  Why?  To make things more challenging of course.  Why not add sand too.  Or trees.  Or deep pits.  Or electric fences.  Or the occasional snare trap.  That would make it super interesting, right?  Regardless, an American won silver in that today, and it was pretty fun to watch.

So I was in Braselton tonight, back and forth between two FCY nights there and Gainesville.  Really, I was there to get the costumes for the upcoming Toy Box series.  But it was fun catching up with folks in Braselton.  Tonight before bed, we read some more, another "ROTJ" short story from the perspective of the Emperor Palpatine.  It was okay, mainly because we like the LEGO version of Emperor Palpatine better.

We said our prayers after that, and yes, it was time for sleep.  Maddie's got school tomorrow.  It was a big night though, lots of fun for her catching up with her friend.  They'll see each other at a football game coming up soon.  Wow, school is here, and we're ready to do this!

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