Saturday, August 24, 2024

Saturday Off

Tonight we finally fished "From a Certain Point of View," a massive collection of stories from the original Star Wars trilogy.  The last book was our least favorite, and it took a lot of work to get through some of the short stories.  In fact, some were so bad we just stopped reading them to move on to the next one. But there were a few good ones peppered in there, so that was okay.  But overall these books aren't anything I could recommend, unfortunately.  Still, we made it through, and we're not going to give up on Star Wars books.  Nope!  We've got others on the menu for a later time, although there's a Kingdom Keeper book with Maddie's name on it, ready to read next.  It literally has Maddie's name on it, written by Ridley Pearson himself:  "To Maddie, a friend of the Kingdom Keepers."

This morning we had Team Edge practice, and there was a birthday celebration of one of the team to celebrate, along with plenty of cupcakes of course.  Maddie's getting better and better with her aerial moves, this after a good bit of practice.  One of her friends brought in a new "weapon:"  the fan.  We saw someone do a fan routine with that back during the Battle of Atlanta, and it was inspiring enough to get one.  We'll see how things progress from there, but it's a unique "weapon."  It's also useful if it's hot outside.

Tonight we continued our "Men in Black" marathon with a viewing of the second movie.  We watched a few "Toy Story" shorts too, many of which were about Forty asking a question.  They're all good fun!

Maddie and I were grocery shopping at a few different locations today, and we're caught up there.  We got some things for lunches next week at school, and got home with it so we can help Mom pack it all up.  We got a Mardi Gras rotisserie chicken to take home, and that was lunch for us.  

It was a nice day today.  I got a new message done for "Call of Duty" while Maddie was at Team Edge, and also set up some things for tomorrow's service.  It should be good.  We closed out tonight with prayer, and everyone getting tucked in early.  We have a great big service tomorrow, and another nice day.

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