Saturday, August 10, 2024

Last Day at Chick-Fil-A

We filled out the "register to vote" form together with Maddie today, and now all we have to do is mail this off.  In about four weeks I think it will all be settled, and she'll be able to vote in her first election.  How surreal is that?  

Election Day will be here soon, and thankfully we've all been focused on the Olympics so much that the vitriol of election season sort of takes a back seat.  But with the DNC arriving soon, I'm sure things will ramp up again.  I don't remember election season being this underhanded before, but the theme of this season seems to be "breaking the old rules."  There used to be unspoken rules of decency and tradition, a line that wasn't crossed because we we wouldn't sink to this level or that.  But like the last Star Wars movie, all the given laws of the universe were thrown out so that "acceptable" could be redefined.  It's sort of a theme really for a lot of things.  What is acceptable now is something that used to be intolerable.  And what's scary is that this trend has always existed - my parents saw the decline around them, and their parents too.  Not that everything was perfect, of course.  That needs to be said.  But clearly, we are in a decline and need help from above to save what's left of this country.  Maybe that starts with this election upcoming.  Who knows?  Regardless, this is Maddie's first vote, and that's pretty cool.  


My first vote was exciting.  I turned eighteen literally the day before Election Day in a Presidential year.  Pretty neat.  I was excited to get out and vote.  Back then, we all went to one courthouse in the county, and there was this enormous line that went out the building and down the sidewalk and around the parking lot, and these were all people lined up to vote.  One big line for the whole county.  I know people would complain about that today, about the inconvenience and perhaps even the focused discrimination, because it took so long to vote.  But we were glad.  We all stood there talking to one another, getting to know new faces, happy we had the right to vote.  And back then we didn't even get stickers!  Which is something she'll have to share a picture of later on this year:  Maddie gets a "I voted" sticker for the first time.

So this morning was Team Edge practice, and that went well.  Maddie is working on her V-kick, amongst other things.  The team is enhancing their own individual aerial skills with mats and cushions, all while the instructors look on with tips and advice.  

Afterwards, the entire team went to the Oakwood Chick-Fil-A location, one last time.  The Chick-Fil-A is moving across the street to a newer building, so this original building had one final day of serving food to loyal customers like us.  So here we are, one more time in the old building, and we thought why not do that all together?

We did some work for the new "Toy Box" series - Mom was working on Jessie's pants, of all things.  We had the taekwondo finals on for a good bit today, watching a lot of Olympic taekwondo finals, all of them pretty exciting.  Tonight was the last night of watching Olympic sports, and the track relays did not disappoint, with the Americans doing really well.  The women's team especially was waaaaaaay far ahead, the margin of victory so massive I think there was a difference of four or five seconds as they crossed the finish line between first and second place.  

We read tonight from a stormtrooper's journal as he is stationed aboard the latest Death Star.  We were continuing this story, and it appears as if things are becoming intolerable for the stormtroopers, who are wanting to organize a massive strike.  Not a military strike, but a "we're not going to work" strike.  Fortunately, the rebels come and fix their working conditions right away, but that hasn't happened yet in our story.  We haven't finished this story yet, but it's been more interesting than others.  

We have to get up earlier tomorrow, as it is the opening service of the "Toy Box" series.  We said our prayers together tonight, and then after that everyone was tucked in.  Time for some sleep!

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