Tuesday, August 13, 2024


We went to the neighborhood pool for pretty much the first time this season, this year really.  And it was actually pretty nice!  There weren't any huge crowds there, probably due to it being a school night.  Which is such an odd moment, given that we're still in the midst of summer.  This starting school in the summer takes some getting used to.  Nevertheless, the pool was so relaxing.  The weather was ideal as the sun was setting and a big summer cloud had provided shade on what had been a pretty hot day outside.  We set a time to go to the pool earlier in the week, and this was it, given that there was no taekwondo of FCY tonight.  So when we got home from work, Maddie was ready for the pool.  We were down there for about an hour.  We did our usual things, playing the "guess who" game of old, the one you see at Fred's house in "A Christmas Story."  And there was a bit of Olympic swimming too, although I don't expect anyone to actual record all the world records we broke.  It was nice, a great break in the schedule of late.

Maddie's school year is going well so far.  A slight hiccup on a quiz, but no biggie.  Her photography class sounds super fun.  She gets out early, if I can get over there and pick her up.  Meanwhile, Mom and I were at the office doing a lot of clean-up, heading down to Braselton to bring props down that way, cleaning up the office area quite a bit.  It's a work in progress!

Tonight we watched "Toy Story," as it is a part of our ongoing series at KidPak.  The series is "Toy Box," and it features a lot of those characters.  We're watching this movie and seeing so much, and just thinking about the fact that this was the first computer generated movie ever... it's amazing how great of a job these producers and directors are, and what a great story this is.  Supposedly they are making a part five, which would be thirty years later on our timeline, and I'm not sure how much later with the toys.  Hopefully they can fix a few things, as Toy Story 4 was a bit mediocre.  Anyway, we're in Andy's room - or at least Bonnie's room - for the next few months.

We also watched a few episodes of "Suite Life" together to close out the day.  These are some laugh-out loud shows still, or maybe it's just us.  But we're having a great time with that sitcom.  Before bed, we read the latest story from "ROTJ," a story about an red imperial guard who doesn't have a purpose anymore after Emperor Palpatine fell down the thousand-foot shaft and exploded on a space station that exploded in space... just wait until this guard finds out that somehow Palpatine returned.  Currently, the "how" of this is not exactly explained yet.  And lately, we're not really as enthused about finding out anymore.  I mean, sure, whatever.  That's about how we feel about the multi-verse in Marvel right now too.  Which is weird, given that we were so ravenous about it several years ago.  Anyway, this latest short story is decent, and after that we had our prayers... and it was time for bed.  

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