Tuesday, August 27, 2024

More Allergies

We had a parent meeting tonight for seniors, and the topic of "senioritus" came up, which is basically the equivalent of getting to the last lap of a race track and taking your foot off the gas pedal.  We learned about scholarship opportunities, college applications, and all sorts of things that parents dread.  I just went with my cell phone and took a zillion notes.  One thing we need to arrange is Maddie's SAT test.  That'll be coming up soon.  

Otherwise, it was a quiet day.  Camille was thrilled because she got a pumpkin latte, which in itself is not news so much.  But she's been actually allergic to pumpkin for many many years now.  The pregnancy may have done something to alter that allergy and more.  She's able to do tomato products as well, but this pumpkin thing is special.

Speaking of allergies, we have one person who is actually allergic to Pink Lady apples.  Weird, huh?  Now there's a really specific allergy!  Josh made this artwork on my white board to have fun with that.

So today was a busy workday.  We're gearing up for this weekend, which is Camp FCY.  We're having a smaller scale service at KidPak too.  Plus we're working hard to get ready for our series "Call of Duty," which will have this new look:

We're writing for our next series, "Call of Duty," today with messages, skits and videos.  The original plan was a different series, but we're stuck with this "Toy Story" themed set, and so we had to make emergency adjustments.  I suggested going with the army figures, and then doing a series we last did in 2013, "Call of Duty."  Here's Maddie during the time we did it in 2010.  Yeah, a long time ago!  Anyway, we're going to film some video episodes with green army men, and it should be pretty cool!

We had a good day today.  Maddie said she did so-so on her test in calculus.  But we ended the day well with a viewing of a movie that is now ten years old:  "Box Trolls."  This is one of my favorites.  I love Ben Kingsley in this movie.  I love all the characters.  It's such a fun movie, and the creativity behind it is astounding.  It's one of our favorites.

We closed out the day with reading from the latest Kingdom Keepers book, and then it was time for prayers after that, and some rest.

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